Chapter 2

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Rika sat down in her usual spot by the window she rested her hand on her chin she turned to Naruto next to her only to find he was not there she sweat dropped.

"Oh not again" she mumble to her self she was sat in class wondering what her knuckleheaded best friend could be up to now, she heard a 'psst' noise from behind her she turned her head around to the person, it was Kiba "Hey where'd Naruto go?" he asked her "I'm not sure" she replied looking kinda concerned "probably up to no good again" Kiba sighed and put both arms behind his head "Seriously I don't know why you hang out with that guy" he said Rika smiled awkwardly.

"He's really not that bad once you get to know him" she smiled "Yeah right. You're always making excuses for him when we both know he's nothing but a loser" Kiba replied rather bored. Rika just stared at him for a moment she didn't know how to respond to that yeah she was able to Finley talk to people but she was still very awkward when talking to anyone other than Naruto.

"Y-you shouldn't say stuff like that behind someone's back Kiba" Rika finally said before turning her head back to the window "Yeah whatever" Kiba huffed out "Your just as weird as he is" he said Rika ignored him.

It's not like he was the first person to say she was weird. Not long after Iruka sensei Came back with Naruto tied up he sat him on the ground before he spoke to Naruto "Seriously Naruto what am I gunna do with you I'm at the end of my rope. You already failed the graduation test three times tomorrow's your last chance".

"And your messing up again" Their Sensei said Naruto just turned his head the other way "Okay fine since you missed it everyone will do the clone technique again" Iruka was getting angry "Awhh" the whole class but Rika huffed out "everything line up" their Sensei said Sakura was up first and she transformed into Iruka "Transformed into me good" he said "Yes I did it! Saskue did you see that" the pink haired girl said "Okay Saskue you next" Saskue stepped forward and effortlessly turned into Iruka Sensei.

"This sucks way to go Naruto" Shikamaru yawn "We always pay for your screw ups" Ino chimed in Rika frowned at hearing this no one understands Naruto like she did she wish her classmates were more open minded "Yeah like I care" Naruto said stepping forward as it was his turn and he used his sexy justu Rika face planted as Iruka Sensei yelled at him

Class had ended now and Rika wandered around wondering why Naruto hadn't left class with her like he always did it wasn't until she had seen the Hokage mount faces that she realised why "ah. Iruka sensei probably made him go clean it up" Rika said to her self she was walking when she heard something call out her name she turned her around.

It was Sakura she was walking towards her "Hey" the pink haired girl said Rika smiled awkwardly "Oh um hi" Rika waved "Can I ask you something?" Sakura asked "Y-yes of course" Rika replied awkwardly "It's about Naruto. Why do you always hang around him?" Sakura said Rika smiled softly "Well his my best friend actually his my only friend" she chuckled slightly "Yeah but like his always goofing off doesn't that annoy you?" Sakura asked "No not really that's just how he is you know" Rika replied "I get that but still how do you put up with him?" Sakura chuckled "if I don't then who will" Rika giggled.

"Naruto was very patient with me back when I didn't speak so it's only fair I do the same" Rika said looking up at the clouds as she continued "Naruto gets me and I get him he was kind to me when no one else was he helped me. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be talking to you like I am right now" she laughed slightly Sakura looked at the girl in awe she really is a sweet girl She thought to herself "He'll grow up eventually and soon everyone will see him the way I do" Rika smiled "Rika you really are a kind hearted girl I like that about you" Sakura said Rika blushed slightly as she rubbed the back of her neck.

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