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Police x Cowboy/Girl

Ghost x human (im doing this one already)

Struggling with identity x thinks it's all figured out (it isn't)

Online relationship/LONG distance

Character keeps falling in love with people who seem to be good at first then they're bad but THEN falls in love with somone who seems to be bad but is good??

Struggling parent x parent who lost all their children

Tech lover x somone who hasn't been apart of society for years (kinda like captain America or A Jane and Tarzan kind of moment)

Really dumb person that doesn't take hints x has literally told them they are in love with them multiple times.

Person from another universe x tired of having to explain normal things from this new universe

Really silly and goofy love bug x doesn't want to admit they're in love

Idiot from one place x idiot from a place that's totally opposite (ex, Antarctica and Sahara desert or something)

Has a lot of k!nks x accidentally does somthing related to one of them (ex: A has a hair pulling k!nk and B pulls their hair as a joke or something)

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