Ding - Dong

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As the long day at the office came to an end, she was preparing to leave when suddenly, the sound of a gunshot pierced the air. Startled, she turned her attention towards the window, only to witness an intruder attempting to enter her cabin. Masked and armed, his intentions were unclear. Calmly, she observed his every move, determined not to show any signs of fear. "If you surrender now," he warned, "your employees will remain unharmed." With a confident smirk, she took one step forward, retrieving her own concealed weapon from the back pocket of her trousers. Pointing it directly at him, she coolly inquired, "Who sent you here? Your superior, perhaps?" Unfazed, she received his confirmation with yet another smirk before swiftly eliminating the threat. Meanwhile, the employees outside her cabin trembled, overwhelmed by fear. Amongst the crowd, a concerned young woman voiced her worries, only to be silenced by a stern voice. The atmosphere was filled with murmurs until their leader emerged from the cabin, her demeanor icy cold. "What is the meaning of this commotion?" she demanded, her words laced with disdain. Instantly, everyone dispersed, returning to their respective positions.

The resonating chime of the doorbell echoed through the air, capturing the attention of the diligent young woman in the midst of her culinary pursuits. With an exhilarating sense of anticipation, she swiftly made her way towards the entrance, fervently whispering to herself, "It is him!" Her heart aflutter, she graciously swung open the door, extending a warm welcome to none other than the charming Kim Taehyung.

Kim Su-jin, a woman of exquisite kindness and grace, has unfortunately endured the torment of being consistently mistreated by her spouse. Despite this, she remains unwaveringly pure-hearted and possesses an innate trust in others.

“How was your day?” Soo Jin asked while handing Tae Hyung a glass of water.
He didn't even see her offering him water. “Oh.. you can go freshen up until then I prepare the dinner table” she said as he nodded before heading upstairs.

After the passage of twenty minutes, as he prepared to ascend the grand staircase, his attention was captivated by the sight of her gracefully perched upon the floor, diligently collecting the fragments of shattered glass. Uttering a quiet remark under his breath, "Clumsy as always," the words were not entirely unheard by her, yet she chose to gracefully disregard his comment and continued her task undeterred. Without a moment's pause for her, he commenced his meal, only to be interrupted by soft sobs emanating from the kitchen. His gaze shifted towards her, and he observed that her entire hand was enveloped in a veil of crimson, which she diligently attempted to cleanse. Yet, despite this distressing sight, he nonchalantly declared, "I am retiring for the evening. Will you not join me?" In response, she replied, "I shall join you after tending to the arduous task of dishwashing," before he departed from her presence. Subsequently, she forwent her own supper and tended to her injury with utmost care and consideration.

As was customary, she awoke before anyone else and diligently attended to all the household tasks, despite her injured hand. Later, as she graciously served breakfast and descended the stairs, he innocently inquired about her injured hand, as if unaware of the situation. With a delicate voice, she replied, "It is nothing more than a small wound." Requesting water, he noticed her discomfort and offered to retrieve it himself. However, her mind was preoccupied, knowing she would receive a scolding upon his return. Interrupting her thoughts, he discovered a trace of blood and questioned her lack of care. Apologetically, she pleaded for forgiveness, but he departed, visibly annoyed. Unfazed by his behavior, she shrugged it off and proceeded with her duties, as she had grown accustomed to such treatment. In the early hours of the morning...

Tae has chosen to withhold the truth from his beloved wife, Su-jin, as her heart is already burdened with fear caused by his actions. Instead, he has presented himself as a diligent employee working diligently in a reputable company. Tae's affection for Su-jin runs deep, yet he finds himself trapped in a predicament, unable to reveal his true identity.



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