Heart And Soul

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After our mock exams ended, we only had a month off for us to study for our boards. I was way behind everyone but I had the capability to get all my stuff done within that one month and for that exact reason, I summoned my "acknowledgement" group, which is a group of all my close friends (my brothers), to get me through it. They had their boards too, so it was working on both sides. We would go on video calls and Google meets, and study together on the call for hours on end. The times when I wouldn't be studying with them, I would usually walk up one flight of stairs and sit there and stare at the sky. Be it before or after dawn or dusk, morning or evening, I'd just sit there and stare at the sky (because I'm a huge nature lover). All those beautiful sunrises and sunsets I would see from my terrace thinking about her will always be one of the most fondest memories of mine. 

Although they were early mornings in May, it was still chill because the place I live in is a cold region. The extreme cold did make me succumb and want to go inside, but I still loved sitting outside because of the beautiful view of the sky and her. I would normally see her take her dogs on a walk every morning while I sat and absorbed all the beautiful colors of the sky, or sat and solved questions for my upcoming exams. And each time I would see her, my face would light up and I would get filled with excitement. So it was a win win, mostly. Sometimes though, I couldn't help but overthink. For me, seeing her was the highlight of my day, but for her, I was just yet another neighbor she could care less about. Ogling at the sky, watching every sunset and sunrise and with some studying, the last few days of the holidays were over, and it was time to face the treacherous music of board exams.

With all this going on, it hit me that once our boards would end, I would hardly have any contact with her. We were neighbors, yes, but we never interacted in our compound because I was too shy and she was too introverted. It hit me that these five board exams might as well be the last time we talk and the only chance for me to confess what I felt for her. So I decided that on the 10th of May, the last exam that we had together, I would pour my heart and soul out to her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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