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I am building this theory about three days ago, and I still have some problems. I'll go separating this, a paragraph for each character.


Most people would say her birthday is October 22nd or 23rd, but it is not. By the end of the first episode "pilot" Emma tells Regina that her birthday was yesterday. So look the timeline we have until now:

Emma's birthday—> time moves again October 22nd?——-> Oct 23rd?

The next episode "the thing you love most", starts the morning after time starts moving, the episode is just one day, and Regina mentions it is Thursday, leaving timeline like this:

Emma's bd —> time moving—> ep. 2 Oct 22nd?—-> Oct23rd —-> Thursday

If the day before Thursday was when time started moving, this would mean it was Wednesday, and that her birthday was Tuesday. 22nd is not a Tuesday, they are: 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, I think it could be either 25th or 18th, but chose 25th, because it is the closest to what we thought. This would make it:

Emma's bd—> time moving—> ep. 2 Oct 25th. —--> oct 26th. —->Oct 27.

Emma turns 28 that day (2011) so she would be born in 1983 (2011-28). So her birthday, and the curse would be October 25th 1983.

Regina: Lana parilla confirmed on Twitter that her birthday was February 1st. I think she was 18 when she met Snow White, I know maleficent said she was 28, but that would make her pretty old in the present. So if she was 18 then (and I believe snow was 10) she would be 36 when she casts the curse, and 36 when Emma arrives Storybrooke. She would be born in 1947.

Henry: This is simple, he was born august 15th (Regina's password), what year?, if he was 10 in 2011, he was born in 2001.

Snow White: Born march 18th, I'll explain this in other theory.
(The draft is made, it's published in Reddit, now please wait until I finished.
Last update I'm on season:
5 (unfinished))
She would be 28 when Emma arrives Storybrooke.

David: I think he would be a little older than snow, maybe born in January. He would be 28 when Emma arrives Storybrooke so his (and snow's) birth year would be 1955 (1983-28).

Zelena: It is mentioned she was born April 15th. In season 5 episode 19 she looks at least 3 years older than Regina, so her birth year would be 1944 and would be 39 when the curse happens.

Rumplestiltskin: I believe he became the dark one when he was around 44, so he would still look that age, but when was he born? Well, in Disney+, it tells that baelfire arrives in 19th century london, I believe around 1862, and that year, rumple became the dark one so he was born around 1818 (1862-44).

Baelfire: I just answered it when I was talking about rumple, if he was 14 in 1862, he would be born in 1848 (1862-14) if we believe his wanted poster had his real birthdate (ignoring the year) he would be born march 23rd.

Hook: We know he entered Neverland in 1862, until 1983, when he stays with Cora for 28 years until the curse is broken. I believe that he was the same age as Emma in Storybrooke, so he looked like 28 in 1983, but what was his real age? If he was 28 in 1983, this means he was 28 when he entered Neverland, in 1862 (he would then be born in 1834.) if bae was around 8, he would be around 22 when he met milah.

Milah: She would be an age between hook and rumple, maybe 36 when she died. So she was born in 1826 (1862-36)

Belle: This one is creepy, because she looks much younger than rumple. I'll say she was 34 in her frozen age. So 1983 - 34 = she was born in 1949 (two years younger than Regina.)

That would leave the birthdays like this:

Rumple : 1818

Milah: 1826

Hook: 1834

Baelfire: march 23rd 1848

Zelena: April 15th 1944

Regina: February 1st 1947

Prince Charming: 1955

Snow White: march 18th 1955

Emma: October 25th 1983

Henry: august 15th 2001

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2024 ⏰

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