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(A/N: My back is cracking.)


1802 (Current Present)
// February 16 - 1:12 PM / 27 °C -\\

The sun shined bright, as People roam the streets, the sounds of a pen writing down on a paper and papers moved around filled the wooden made room of a certain Place

Sketches, Sketched plans and papers with important writings were pinned on the walls as piles of papers and books literate all around the room of specific use

Philippines, sitting on his desk wrote on a paper as the time passed, his brows frowning down as he crumbled the paper throwing it away once again with the other crumbled and torn papers thrown in the trash

He then reached out to the tall piles of clean fresh paper on the ground next to him to take a paper as he then moved the Silver and Orangey Copper key away to make space on his desk as he puts the Paper down

His Heterochromia eyes stared down at the new neatly placed paper as he began writing again, trying to perfect word after word not stopping till he writes a perfect one

As he continued to write, focused on his work, there was then a sudden knock on his door as he paused, thinking for abit before speaking out " ..Come in! "

The doorknob turned as the door opened slowly, there was Spain again, with the same usual grinning look hiding something behind his back as Spain then spoke "Nice to see your alive, Hoe surprising.. Besides that though, Id like to talk to you."

Philippines sighed as he stood up speaking tiredly " What is it? You.. Aren't suppose to be here. " Spain smiled bluntly " I have my ways.. "

Spain's eyes darted around the room looking at the desks and storages as he muttered " This is quite a... Mess. " Philippines scoffed " Ive seen a more self aware person in a retirement home. "

Spain's grinned dropped for a second before smiling bluntly again " Seems you've been learning alot, too much it seems. " his eyes continued to dart around before spotting the Paper

" What's that? " Spain walked pass Philippines who was caught off guard, Spain went over to the desk reaching for the paper when Philippines suddenly slammed his hand on the paper covering the writing and its contents

" Dont you dare snoop my stuff. " Philippines growled as Spain pursed his lips and muttering " Sheesh, it's just a paper. Why so worried? unless.. Its a Note isn't it? "

Philippines scoffed frowning in an angered way " That is none of your business. " Spain took a step back shaking his head " For a 'Polite' Slave.. Your more like a disobedient and bratty one. " as the room went silent, the Sky outside has became darkened and cloudy

" Just like your brother. on that day of the fire. "
[A/N: Incase you guys forgot, one chapter of the Judgement Story showed the back story of the day Perla died]

" ... " Philippines paused as his eyes widened as he could feel Spain's stares on him as Spain's grin widen, after some moment of silence, Spain spoke " Oh don't be dramatic, Your so sentive.. You know that? "

Philippines frowned angrily as he muttered " ..Shut up, Why are you even here? " Spain smiled as he finally pulls out the item, it was a Paper with written lists, addressing to Philippines

" You got a letter from Father. " Philippines looked at the envelope as he snatched it and put it with the note he was writing as he hissed at Spain " Get out. You've already caused enough trouble. "

Spain smiles at Philippines, taunting him for one last time before walking away as the door shut close loudly, Philippines stared at the door making sure Spain was not peaking nor was still standing outside

Upon being sure, Philippines looked down at the Paper filled with List abit surprise by the newest shortest interaction with Spain, although he wasn't complaining about that.

Philippines takes the paper and reads it, as he reads the list, it wasn't long till it began raining, luckily not too loud nor harshly as a Philippines look out at the window, his eyes staring at the list then back at the window

His eyes looked down at the paper as he felt odd..

Has this happened before?

Year 1428

Philippines's fingertips moved across the paper script all written things he is told to do, his tired dull eyes stared down at the paper made out of bamboo

He frowned reading the lists as a Servant then spoke to him "Bakit po kayo malungkot? meron po ba kayo iniisip aking minamahal?"
[Why are you upset? Is there something in your mind my highness?]

Philippines sighs as he stoop up from his seat and muttered "Wala, pakisabi sa aking mga kapatid na indi muna ako makakasama sakanila ngayon." the Servan nodded as Philippines walked passed her walking out of the rooms
[Nothing, Tell my brothers I won't be with them today]

Philippines's eyes again stared down at the Paper as he felt exhausted for today feeling more exhausted now with these lists in hand

As he thought for a moment, reading the list, he suddenly heard a drip outside, as he looked out, he saw that it began pouring rain lightly

The cold breeze filling the room as Philippines stared at the window

1802 (End of Flashback)

Philippines stared at the window as the rain poured down as the wave feeling of exhaustion already came over him before he could even just think about the list

His eyes continued to stare at the rain as he sighed looking down at his desk again as he puts down the list on top of the note he was writing on

' Why do I feel so tired? '

(A/N: Clues for the Long 2nd Chapter shown around here! Incase you want to imagine what next Chapter may be about! sorry for short chapter and not updating for a long time!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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