Part 6

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Here's part 6! Enjoy guys!
Gustav: "yeah u guys really went for it!" Bill, Georg and Gustav kept teasing me and Tom as we were driving back to the hotel. I was so embarrassed, I mean he is a really good kisser and I did enjoy it... but no I can't I'm in a band with them. I can't fall for anyone here. No one.
Tom: "I mean y/n is a good kisser" I just stared at him in shock. I rolled my eyes and said,
Y/n: "I might be as u were the one who wouldn't stop kissing me" I smirked as bill, Georg and Gustav just laughed.
Tom: "well if u didn't dance on me like that then I wouldn't have" he said smirking even bigger then before. Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. Luckily, my phone started to ring. It was Crystal! I haven't been able to talk to her in ages as she was grounded and I had no way to contact her. I excused myself from the conversation and answered the phone.

Y/n: "hey girl! How are u?"
Crystal: "y/n."
Y/n: "what? What's happened?"
Crystal: "ur all over the news with fucking Tokio hotel! What are u doing with them?" She sounded angry. I realised I hadn't been able to tell her anything about the situation, would she be upset that I'm joining the band?
Y/n: "oh yeah. I did come over to tell u but ur mum didn't let me in! Right don't get mad ok?"
Crystal: "go on"
Y/n: "so u know those boys who took me home that one party? It's was them, I didn't know! And then I saw them at another party and they took me back again! I didn't even know they were in a band until Tom started playing the guitar and then I figured it out. And then they said I was good at singing and asked me to join the band and I tried out and they let me in and then I've just recorded a music video with them now. I'm sorry I..."
Crystal: "u fucking what?!? How dare u go behind our backs? And belles favourite band aswell! I bet u will go on tour with them and leave us. U know what, ur such a bitch. Why did u have to do this? Don't ever call any of us again!" I just started to cry
Y/n: "no it's not like that please don't. I didn't mean this! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Crystal please-" she just hung up on me. Omg what have I done. I messaged all the girls apologising only to realise they had all blocked me. All my friends has fucking left me. I didn't know what to do and I just started balling my eyes out, the boys quickly looked at me and bill unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped over to sit next to me.
Bill: "y/n calm down what's wrong?" He just hugged me trying to calm me down but I just couldn't. I tried to reply but it all just came out as a screaming crying mess.
Y/n: "they hate me bill. They have left me" I just continued to sob in his arms as he rubbed my back.
Bill: "oh y/n... who was it?"
Y/n: "all of my friends. Crystal, Tash, Belle. All of them. They just hate me. I didn't mean to upset them." Then bill gently turns my face to look at him. My vision was so blurry and my eyes stung from the tears.
Bill: "y/n I promise we will never leave u ok? We love u, we have never had so much fun since we have been with u!" I just looked into his eyes, more tears rolling down my cheek.
Y/n: "but they promised to and look what they did."
Bill: "I promise we are different. U are one of us now!" He pulled me back into a hug and moved me to sit in between him and Tom. I looked at Tom and he actually looked really upset. His eyes were red like he has been crying. He just pulled me into a hug and I just couldn't help but start to cry again. He hugged me and held my head close to him. I was just so upset and tired I fell asleep in his arms for the remainder of the ride home.

I woke up to Tom gently stroking my hair and calling my name.
Tom: "Y/n we are here now. I'm sorry to wake u but there is a lot of paparazzi so I can't carry u in."
Y/n: "oh thank u Tom." I sit up and look into the reflective windows. Omg I look like a mess. Mascara smeared all over my face my eyes still puffy.
Y/n: "omg I look like shit what am I going to do?!?"
Tom: "oh um here wear my hoodie and put up the hood. I can lead u in if u want" he said wipping my tears and then handing me his hoodie. I quickly put it on and put the hood up.
Tom: "u ready y/n? U will be okay I promise!" I nod and hid my face so no one could see me. I couldn't see either so Tom just grabbed my waist and led me through the paparazzi.
'Tom is this ur girlfriend?'
'Who is she' millions of voices just screamed questions at him.
Tom: "can u all just leave it's private." I still couldn't see what was happening but toms hand grabbed tighter around my waist.

I knew we were in side as all the voices faded away.
Tom: "we are here now. Don't worry it's over" I kept the hood up but moved it from my eyes to look up at him.
Y/n: "thank u Tom. I don't know what I would do with u guys!" I just gave him a big hug as he led my up to the hotel room.
I hope u guys like it !

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