Part 21

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We are on our way out when I see a boy waiting by the exit. I can't lie he was very handsome and I could tell he was a but drunk.
Y/n: "are u ok?"
Boy: "yeah I'm just waiting for u! I just thought I would test my luck u know"
I giggle. If he's liking what I'm thinking I'm so down. I just wanna try and forget about jack.
Y/n: "oh so what's ur name pretty boy?"
I slowly walk over to him leaving the boys stood stunned right by the car.
Boy: "it's Ben gorgeous."
Y/n: "I like that name! So do u wanna come back with me?"
I knew I was going quickly but I just needed it.
Ben: "I thought u would never ask"
I smile and grab his hand, dragging him back to the car.
Y/n: "is there room for one more?"

All the way back Ben couldn't keep his hands off of me, I knew he was drunk but I kinda liked it. I had to sit on his lap as that's the only way we could all fit in. Georg and Gustav were next to me and Ben, while Tom was right in front of us with bill next to him. I couldn't help myself, I mean he was my type. Ben had dark brown hair, baggy clothes and really laid back.
Georg: "u can just keep ur hands off each other for at least 5 minutes u know"
I giggle and turn around to face Ben, planting my lips on his. This was exactly what I needed! It only felt like 5 minutes before we were at the hotel, I immediately dragged Ben up the stairs and into my room- locking the door.
Toms POV:
When we all left y/n seemed to be back to normal, I just glad that's all over. As soon as we opened the door there was a boy -around our age- waiting there. Me and the boys kept walking to the car as we don't normally stop for fans who wait like that, but as we went to get in the car we realised y/n wasn't there. I look back over to the door we had just come out of, just to see her flirting with the boy. Ugh I bet he's gonna come back with us. I hate this part.

I was right. I was sat next to brill on one side of the car and right in front of me was y/n sat on this boys lap. He was so drunk and couldn't keep his hands off y/n, most of the time them being down in her pants. For some reason I got so angry. I couldn't help but stare at them in disgust.
Georg: "u can just keep ur hands off each other for at least 5 minutes u know"
Oh thank god! Georg just read my mind. Why can't they just wait until they are in the hotel room?Unfortunately, this made y/n turn around on his lap and start making out with him. I don't know why I was so angry. Was I disgusted by them basically having sex, or was I jealous? I can't help but wish it was me.

As soon as we got parked y/n barged out the car first with the boy dragging behind her. By the time me and the boys got back to the hotel room y/n's door was closed and u could hear her.
Y/n's POV:
It was quite late when me and Ben finished. He was still really drunk, but I must admit he was quite good! I gave him my phone number and dressed him. I also called him an Uber and we waited in my room. As soon as the Uber arrived a flung open my door and pushed him out the hotel room, locking the door behind him. It was really late  so I was wearing my bra and thong because I thought no one would be up. As I turned around to go back to my room I heard someone scoff. Someone was here?!? I quickly turn my head just to see Tom lying in the ur sofa rolling his eyes.
Y/n: "why are u up?"
He just stares at me
Y/n: "what?!?"
Tom: "remember our rooms are right next to each other?"
Ohhhhh. OH! They heard me?
Y/n: "u heard me..."
He just laughed at me.
Tom: "yeah i did. anyways."
Oh god, for some reason I feel horrible.
Y/n: "I'm sorry Tom."
Tom face then goes a bit pale and look into my eyes.
Tom: "y/n he was very drunk... are u sure he put it on right?"
U what?
Y/n: "what do u mean? It can't be that hard?"
It's easy to put on a condom what is he on about?
Tom: "y/n u didn't check?! U always need to check!"
He actually sounds worried. Uh oh. I was desperate I didn't even check?!?
Y/n: "no I- one sec"
I run to my room, put on a T-shirt and check the condom.
Y/n: "OH SHIT"
I scream and fall to the fall to the floor , frozen in shock. I hear footsteps run to the door.
Tom: "are u ok? What's happened?"
I sit, cross-legged on the floor petrified.
Y/n: "No! it had holes pierced in it Tom. WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO?"
Tom: "oh shit"
Tom stood frozen in my door, his hands frozen in place.I throw the reminder of the condom on the bin and move to sit on my bed. As soon as I sat one the bed, the boys come running to my room and stand in the doorway with Tom.
Bill: "What the hells happened? Is everything ok?"
I couldn't help but shout and cry at the same time as I respond.
They all gasp and stand there. I start to sob into my hands- I seem to just have bad luck. I can't actually believe that I might be pregnant, I don't want a baby, I can't have a baby?!? Bill walks over and sits next to me on the bed, he tucks my hair behind my ear and pulls me into a hug.
Bill: "y/n this was going to happen one day or another. I promise u we will help u with whatever happens and whatever u choose to do."
I turn so my face is berried in his chest.
Y/n: "but what if I am bill. What then? I don't a fucking baby! I can't!"
I scream as I pull him closer.
Bill: "I promise everything will be ok."
I pull away from bill and stand up
Y/n: "I need to make sure I can't be."
Rage blinds me, I need to stop this now.
Bill: "what do u mean y/n?"
I push past the boys in the doorway and run straight to the cupboard. I grab out the vodka and take a few shots. I then grab two cans of cokes and put vodka in them too.
Bill: "y/n! What the hell are u doing?!"
All the boys run and stand in front of me looking shocked and scared
Y/n: "I'm making sure I can't have a baby. And hoping I can forget this happened."
I take two more shots and sit on the sofa with my vodka and coke.
Bill: "y/n please don't over do it! Don't hurt urself."
I see Georg and Gustav talking, they look nervous and upset.
Y/n: "I don't care bill. I will do whatever it takes"
I just keep drinking my drink and ignore everything they are saying. I don't wanna remember this.
Part 22 next


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