1-Between Us

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Jungkook paced around his living room, glancing at the clock every few minutes The familiar anticipation stirred inside him a mix of excitement and nervousness He had grown used to these quiet nights where the world outside seemed distant and all that mattered was her walking through his door.

Jisoo was always careful slipping away from her schedules to meet him both of them knowing the risks yet unable to stay away from each other The sound of a soft knock made his heart skip He moved quickly to the door pulling it open just enough to see the love of his life standing there her hood pulled up face hidden beneath a mask Even after all these meetings seeing her like this knocking on his door in secret made something inside him soften .

"Come in" he whispered pulling her gently inside before shutting the door.
As soon as they were in the safety of his apartment Jisoo pulled down her mask revealing the small smile he had been waiting for all night She looked a little tired her eyes betraying the long day she'd had but there was a spark of relief too knowing she was finally here with him.

"I miss you" Jungkook murmured, his voice low but filled with warmth He reached for her hand pulling her close to him without a second thought Jisoo laughed softly resting her head against his chest "i missed you too, You know I always do" Despite being older there was something so natural about how she melted into him letting him hold her like she was his baby.

Jungkook's strong arms wrapped around her protectively his hand gently stroking her hair Even though she was Blackpink's eldest member the confident and strong one in front of the cameras in moments like this she was different With him, she was softer, more vulnerable like she could let her guard down entirely And Jungkook found himself naturally falling into the role of protector He wanted to shield her from everything the pressure, the exhaustion, the weight of being an idol.

"You've been working too hard again Love " he said a hint of concern in his voice.

He gently tilted her chin up so their eyes met his thumb grazing her cheek. "I can see it."

Jisoo pouted playfully, leaning into his touch. "I'm fine really But I missed you so much that I can't think of anything but you kook "

Jungkook's chest tightened at her words. "I know baby it was so hard to keep up with my Schedule when all I wanted was to feel you like this" he replied softly pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. It was these small moments these quiet gestures that always felt so intimate between them No matter how tough the world outside was when they were together she was his baby and he would do anything to make sure she was okay.

They moved to the couch Jisoo curling up beside him her legs draped over his lap Jungkook shifted to make her comfortable his hand instinctively resting on her thigh his thumb tracing small soothing circles She leaned her head against his shoulder sighing softly as the tension from the day seemed to melt away.

Jungkook chuckled quietly, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear "You are such a baby"

Jisoo grinned, her eyes closing as she nuzzled into him. "I'm your baby" she teased, though there was a deep truth in her words She had never felt the need to be the strong one with Jungkook With him she could relax knowing that he would always be there to hold her to keep her safe.

Jungkook smiled his heart swelling at how naturally she fit into his arms. "Of course you are you will always be my one and only baby"

They stayed like that for a while Every now and then Jungkook would steal small glances at her admiring how peaceful she looked in these moments She wasn't the glamorous idol here she was just Jisoo, the girl he cared about more than anything.

All he wanted to do right now was to pull her close and lose himself in her touch After more than three years together kissing Jisoo felt as natural as breathing This wasn't their first kiss not even close but every time he touched her it felt like he couldn't get enough.

Jungkook's eyes lingered on her lips his heart pounding with that familiar need It wasn't just about the physical closeness it was about the comfort, the love, and the way she made him feel like the rest of the world faded away His hand found its way to her cheek his thumb gently brushing her skin She leaned into his touch her eyes meeting his with a softness that made his heart ache.

He had kissed her so many times before but the desire never seemed to fade Each time felt new like they were discovering each other all over again.

He leaned in slowly feeling the pull between them When his lips finally met hers it was soft at first but quickly deepened It wasn't rushed but it wasn't gentle either it was filled with a longing that never seemed to disappear no matter how many times they shared this moment.

Jisoo responded just as eagerly her hand slipping into his hair as she kissed him back It didn't matter how many times they had been like this the hunger the need for each other never went away. It only grew stronger.

Even after all these years they could never get enough of each other No matter how close they were it never felt close enough.

When they finally pulled away both breathing heavily Jungkook rested his forehead against hers"I don't think I'll ever stop wanting you," he whispered, his voice low.

Jisoo smiled softly, her hand still tangled in his hair"I hope you never do."

They pulled in again Their kisses became more urgent filled with a hunger neither of them could ignore lost in the moment they had both craved Jungkook's breath was ragged as he whispered her name his voice thick with emotions She answered with a soft smile her fingers gently trailing down his chest a touch that spoke more than words ever could.

And then the space between them disappeared entirely Their desire familiar yet always consuming led them to a place where time seemed to blur and nothing else mattered but each other ...

Later, as they lay tangled together, the quiet settled around them like a comforting blanket Jungkook's arms held her close his lips brushing her forehead as she nestled against him The connection between them was deeper than wordsa shared understanding that they would never stop needing each other this way.




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