6-Unspoken Fears

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Jungkook sat quietly in his room staring at the ceiling lost in thought The words of his hyungs echoed in his mind, replaying over and over They had teased him about marriage about taking things with Jisoo to the next level but it wasn't the teasing that stuck with him It was their sincerity their belief in the love he shared with Jisoo a love they saw as something rare and worth holding onto. And they weren't wrong He'd thought about the future with her more times than he could count But the future... it scared him.

His thoughts wandered to Jisoo's family They had never been supportive of her career They'd doubted she would even make it assuming her dreams would fizzle out Now even though she had become one of the most successful idols in the world her family's disapproval still weighed heavily on her Every time she mentioned them there was a sadness in her voice a kind of unspoken pain he couldn't ignore.

Jungkook sighed running a hand through his hair How could he take their relationship to the next level when he knew her family wouldn't accept him? If they couldn't support her career how could they possibly accept their love?

The thought of making things harder for her made his chest tighten He didn't want to be the reason she faced more struggles But at the same time he didn't want to keep holding back. They had been together for over three years now and his love for her had only grown stronger with time She was his everything. His escape from the chaos, his comfort in the storm.

As the hours passed he found himself scrolling through old photos memories of their time together quiet dinners stolen moments when no one was watching the warmth of her smile that made everything feel right His heart ached to see her to hold her But he knew he couldn't keep avoiding this conversation It was time to face the truth even if it scared him.

Just then, his phone buzzed It was a message from Jisoo: "I'm coming over See you soon"

A wave of nervous excitement rushed through him He wanted to see her to feel the comfort of her presence but the weight of the conversation he needed to have pressed heavily on his chest.

When she arrived Jungkook opened the door to find Jisoo smiling softly a warmth in her eyes that instantly made his heart skip "Hey" she said stepping inside and slipping off her shoes.

"Hey," he replied trying to muster a smile though his mind was still tangled with thoughts of what lay ahead.

They settled into his apartment the familiar routine of their shared time together She started talking about her day, sharing stories of her schedule, and for a moment Jungkook let himself get lost in her voice But even in the lightness of the conversation he could feel the tension in his chest, the unspoken words hanging between them.

Jisoo noticed She always noticed "What's on your mind?" she asked gently tilting her head to catch his eyes.

Jungkook hesitated his fingers playing with the edge of the cushion "I've been thinking... about us"

Her expression softened a small, knowing smile playing on her lips "What about us?"

He took a deep breath his eyes searching hers "About where we're going About the future."

Jisoo's smile faltered slightly, the weight of his words settling in She shifted closer to him resting her hand on his "I've thought about it too" she admitted, her voice quiet.

"I love you Jisoo" Jungkook said his voice low but steady "I've never been more sure of anything in my life But..." He hesitated the words catching in his throat "I'm afraid I'm afraid of making things harder for you."

Her brows furrowed in confusion "What do you mean?"

"Your family" he said softly, almost as if he were afraid to say it out loud.

"They've never accepted your career. And I know... I know they wouldn't accept me either I don't want to be the reason you have more problems with them."

Jisoo's hand tightened around his her eyes filling with understanding and a hint of sadness "My family has always been... difficult" she whispered "They never believed in me They didn't think I'd make it and even now they can't see what I've achieved But you..." She paused her voice breaking slightly "You're the one thing in my life that makes sense You're my escape from all of that."

Jungkook's heart clenched at her words He had always known her family's lack of support hurt her but hearing it like this raw and vulnerable made his own fears seem small in comparison He reached out cupping her face in his hands his thumb brushing gently against her cheek "I just want to protect you" he whispered his voice trembling slightly "I don't care about your family or what anyone else thinks I care about you."

Tears glistened in Jisoo's eyes but she blinked them back leaning into his touch "You've always protected me Jungkook," she said softly "Even when I didn't know I needed it And I'm not letting anyone take that away from us."

For a moment they sat there in silence their foreheads resting against each other's the weight of their shared emotions filling the room It wasn't the first time they'd had difficult conversations but this one felt different. It felt like a turning point.

Jungkook took a deep breath his fingers gently tracing the curve of her jaw "I don't want to keep holding back," he said his voice firmer now "I love you and I want a future with you I don't care what your family thinks I don't care about the fans or the media All I care about is you."

Jisoo smiled through her tears her hand reaching up to cover his "Then let's face whatever comes together"

The weight that had been pressing on Jungkook's chest seemed to lift replaced by a sense of clarity and purpose He wasn't afraid anymore Not of the future, not of the obstacles they might face. Because with Jisoo by his side he knew they could handle anything.

As the night deepened they talked more about their dreams their hopes for the future The conversation was long and intimate filled with laughter tears and the quiet reassurance that no matter what, they had each other.

And for the first time in a long while, Jungkook felt like everything was going to be okay.




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