4- A Familiar Warmth

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Jisoo stepped into Jungkook's apartment, her shoulders relaxing as she inhaled the familiar scent of home his home This had become their routine meeting at his place after their schedules sharing moments of quiet solace away from the chaos of their idol lives Tonight was no different but something about the ease of it always made her feel lighter.

Jungkook greeted her with a soft smile pulling her into his arms for a brief hug.

"You're late" he teased gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Jisoo rolled her eyes playfully nudging him "Blame my manager I swear they're trying to keep me away from you" she said, settling onto the couch.

They chatted for a while talking about upcoming projects ,music, and random gossip from the entertainment world But then as the conversation shifted Jungkook's expression softened.

"My mom misses you" he said, his voice tender "She hasn't seen you in a while and keeps asking when you'll come by again"

Jisoo's heart warmed at the mention of his mom She had always been so kind to her treating Jisoo like part of the family And while the thought of seeing Jungkook's family brought her joy it also stirred a deep ache in her chest She nodded trying to shake off the guilt she felt.

"Let's go tomorrow then" she replied with a small smile "I miss them too"

The next evening, Jisoo and Jungkook arrived at his family's home, greeted by the familiar inviting atmosphere. Jungkook's little sister rushed up to Jisoo wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Noona! You're here!" she beamed, her excitement contagious.

Jisoo laughed, bending down to hug her back "I missed you too! Have you been behaving?" she teased ruffling the young girl's hair.

"Of course! I've been helping Mom with dinner!" his sister exclaimed proudly.

As they stepped further into the house Jungkook's mom came out of the kitchen her face lighting up at the sight of Jisoo.

"Jisoo-ah! It's so good to see you!" she exclaimed pulling her into a warm hug.

"You look tired. Are you eating well?"

"Thank you, Auntie! I've been okay" Jisoo replied smiling warmly She loved how Jungkook's family treated her like their own.

Once they settled in Jisoo found herself chatting with Jungkook's mom in the kitchen while the kids helped with dinner preparations The aroma of home cooked food filled the air wrapping around her like a comforting blanket.

"You know, Jisoo" Jungkook's mom began, stirring a pot on the stove "when Jungkook first started training I was so worried about sending him away It was hard to let him go being so far from home But seeing him now dating someone as wonderful as you I feel so relieved"

Jisoo's heart swelled at the compliment but the weight of her own family's lack of support tugged at her mind "Thank you, Auntie I really appreciate that Jungkook is amazing and he has always been there for me" she replied trying to push aside her insecurities.

"You know" his mom continued, her eyes softening with nostalgia "I always worried about him being alone But seeing you two together I can see how happy he is You bring out the best in him my darling "

Jisoo smiled her cheeks warming at the praise "He means a lot to me too I just hope he knows that"

"He does" Jungkook's mom assured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder "And we are so grateful to have you in our lives You're part of this family now"

Just then, Jungkook entered the kitchen catching the end of their conversation He looked between his mom and Jisoo his expression one of quiet admiration "What are you two talking about?" he asked a playful smile creeping onto his face.

His mom just shook her head, a knowing smile on her lips "Just girl talk" she replied, and Jisoo couldn't help but giggle.

Later, as they all sat down for dinner the atmosphere was filled with laughter and warmth Jisoo felt a pang of longing for the family she had never had her own parents never showed such support or love for her dreams With every shared joke and smile exchanged between Jungkook's family, she was reminded of the stark contrast to her own home life.

Jungkook's little sister, looking up at Jisoo piped up "Noona, when are you and Jungkook getting married?"

Jisoo's heart raced, her cheeks flushing at the innocent question Jungkook chuckled his gaze fixed on Jisoo as if trying to gauge her reaction "Let's take it one step at a time" he said lightly but his eyes held a deeper meaning.

Jisoo felt her stomach flutter as she met Jungkook's gaze and in that moment all the unspoken words of love and affection hung in the air between them. She wished she could be as carefree as Jungkook's family but the reality of her own struggles weighed heavily on her heart.

In the end as they left his family's home, Jungkook held her hand tightly, the warmth of his touch comforting against her worries. "You okay?" he asked softly, his brow furrowed with concern.

Jisoo nodded a small smile breaking through her earlier melancholy. "Yeah, just... thinking."

"You know my family loves you right?" he said his tone serious "And I do too. Don't ever doubt that."

In his embrace she found a fleeting sense of security and for a moment the troubles of her life faded away But deep down she knew she had to face her own family sooner or later and the thought of that impending confrontation filled her with unease.

Still, for tonight she allowed herself to be vulnerable to lean on Jungkook and let him be her escape from the reality that loomed over her.




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