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Applejack: I'm tellin' ya, Spike that was no accident 

They were in the gardens that afternoon 

Spike frowned: But she was so sincere and she apologized 

Applejack: I tell ya, I see Sunset every day and she is sneaky and competitive, sure she says 

She mocked Sunset's voice 

Applejack: I sure am looking forward to meeting the competition 

Then she spoke in her normal voice 

Applejack: But then comes the backstabbing, you can't trust that girl, I thought for sure you would have saw right through her at this point and sent her home 

Spike gapped: Are you implying that I'm not smart enough to see past someone with ulterior motives 

Applejack angerly: That's not what I'm sayin', I believe you to be very smart but sometimes even the smartest pony can be deceived by someone who won't stop at nothing until she gets what she wants 

Spike angerly: Look, I'm sure to you Sunset is terrible but there's more to her then that 

Applejack angerly: That's what she wants you to think 

Spike angerly: That's enough 

Applejack angerly: No, you need to hear this 

Spike angerly: No, I don't, you forget, Applejack that I am a prince, for all intents and purposes I am free to make my own choice of choosing who my wife should be 

Applejack scoffed: Well that explains why you were on that date with Lightning Dust, I guess that means our original agreement didn't matter to you so much 

Spike angerly: What, you thought that I had to go to you and ask you who I can and cannot date 

Applejack angerly: It sure sounded like it did at the time 

Spike gnashed his teeth: Well you were mistaken 

He started to go and turned his head to her firmly speaking 

Spike firmly: You don't have to agree to my decisions, but you will abide by them, we'll talk again when you understand this 

And with that he was gone, Applejack ran back to her room and landed on the bed holding the pillows close to her 

Applejack thinking: No, you are not going to cry about this, let him date any mare he wants, sure he talks about having a soul mate but in the end maybe all he wants is a bedmate, guess Sunset was right about that, maybe that's why he kept her as long as he had 

The tears were welling up inside her, but she wouldn't let them out, eventually she became too tired from bottling her emotions up that she fell asleep 

The tears were welling up inside her, but she wouldn't let them out, eventually she became too tired from bottling her emotions up that she fell asleep 

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                                                       Four Hours Later 

She felt something shaking her and ended up waking up to a dark room, it was the middle of the night and she could hear the panic of her maids' voices 

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