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Katie: U able to pop round tonight, I can make food
Cait: Uh sure, when do you want me
Katie: 2 hours
Cait: Alright

Katie finishes the rest of the cleaning and then starts making a homemade spag bol and a homemade cheesecake. Whilst all of that is doing Katie quickly showers and get into some cleaner chlothes.

After the 2 hours Katies door goes. Katie grabs if and lets Cait in.

Cait: So what u want to talk about stuff
Katie: Ye, we needa talk about what happened

Caits head nods and they settle down to eat before the big talking. They talk about the upcoming world Cup and the Arsenal injuries. After food Caitlin helps Katie wash up before going to the sofa to wait Katie to come over and talk to her.

Kat: Okay we should tall about what happened
Cait: We didn't do anything wrong Katie
Kat: I know that, we aren't together with out parents anymore
Cait: Oh, I thought u were gonna say we did something wrong
Kat: Both our partners left us
Cait: Ye They did

They sit in silence for a minute

Kat: I enjoyed it
Cait: Me too
Kat: We maybe will have to tell Rue and Lia about this
Cait: I know, but it may not ever happen again, we're friends
Kat: Mhm
Cait: What's that supposed to mean
Kat: A little birdy told me you like me
Cait: What.....

Katie looks at Caitlin and she is as red as a tomato. If u put a tomato next to Cait they'd be twins.

Cait: Who told you
Kat: So it's true
Cait: Wait..what..who..
Kat:Not telling u because I bet u've told loads
Cait: A couple
Kat: Who
Cait: Jordy, Beth, Steph, Jen
Kat: The sushi crew
Cait: Ye

Kat: So u have a crush on me
Cait: Umm...Uhh...Maybe...yes I do
Kat" That's cute
Cait: Have u got feelings back
Kat: Kind of
Cait: Kind of
Kat: I'm still figuring it out
Cait: What do u mean
Kat: When I woke up with you this morning I felt safe, I haven't felt safe since Rue left 4 weeks ago
Cait: Oh
Kat" Ye, I think we just needa work on us
Cait: We should tell Jonas, Kim, Lia and Rue
Kat: If we tell Lia and Rue it will get yo my national team and all round Arsenal
Cait: Shit
Kat: Beth and Viv know so we should just tell them
Cait: Okay

They make a group chat with the four of them and then facetime the couple of 1 year.

Kat: We are gonna work on us, together

Beth runs off to their office

Viv: Oh god
Cait: I am not looking forward to this
Kat: We'll let u sort meado, speak soon

They say bye to Beth and Viv and then put some TV on for the rest of the night before Caitlin goes back to her apartment.

Kat: Bye, see you at training tomorrow...fuck
Cait: what
Kat: Kim wanted me to update her
Cait: We should just tell Jonas and Kim
Kat: Okay meet there a hour earlier than training
Cait: A 7 o'clock wake up call really
Kat" We have training at 7:45
Cait: Great, a 6:25 wake up call
Kat: Yep, bye bye
Cait: Can I just stay here, I won't wake up
Kat: Good idea

Cait takes the guest room, Katie says it's fine for her room to share but Caitlin refuses and goes into the guest room after saying goodnight to Katie.

Caits Mind: God early start
Katies Mind: I'm getting this girl

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