Chp. 2 Inosuke Apologizing to Himiko! Pt.1

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Inosuke Hashibira POV:

Today was the day to apologize to Himiko, I quickly got dressed, wearing my warthog mask, and headed to her place, the sun still rising up. As I was heading to her place I couldn't help but check on the Kamado family. Ever since Manjiro and Bella had there kid, I've been wanting to check up on the baby.

I quickly turned my path to go to the Kamado family home real quick, putting my mask next to the side of their door. There I was standing in front of the door, just itching to open it. As I opened it, I saw a shadow of a baby.


I saw her crawling on all fours to get to me. I quickly shut the door and picked up the silly three month old baby.

"What are you doing silly! Been causing ranjuro trouble?!" I said, mimicking her voice which caused her to giggle in fits of laughter.

"Inosuke? What are you doing here?"

Speaking of the person

"Ah Lanjuro! It seems you showed up!" I said with a cocky smile, rubbing manjuro daughter back for comfort from all the laughing she had done which was making her start to get fussy.

"Um yeah, I'm here, but why are you here this early..?" Nanjuro asked again.

"Ah! Can I not see this little warrior?!" I asked him, offended that he asked me that.

"N-no! That's not what I meant, I was just wondering why your up this early is all." Ranjiro told me, making me calm down a bit.

"I just wanted too, stupid!" I told him, covering Kogame ears from my yelling.

"I'm sure there is something going on that you won't tell me." Manjiro told me, crossing his arms with a tired small smile on his face.

".....okay maybe there is...." I admitted to him, looking down at Kogame who was pulling at my hair and trying to put it in her mouth.

"Well what is it?" Lanjuro asked, as he leaned his body against the side of the wall.

"......Me and Himiko went on a mission and during that she kept complaining about me yelling and when we came back she still kept telling me on how loud I was and how I need to quiet myself a bit more to which I yelled at her and insulted her. After doing that, I left....and haven't spoken since yesterday..." I explained to wanjiro, feeling Kogame leaving my hair alone.

"Hmm...I see...are you going to apologize to her than..?" He asked me, which irked me.

"Of course I'm gonna! That's why I am up ear- yak!" I was trying to tell tanmiro, but than I suddenly felt my nipple getting soggily wet and pinched at.

I looked down to see Kogame sucking on my nipple!

"Why is she doing that?! Stop that kid! Stop it!" I was telling her. Her still doing the same motion, unbothered about what she was doing to me.

"It seems its time for her breastfeeding..." Manjiro muttered out, carefully grabbing Kogame off of me and my nipple, giving her a small soft smile. Now cradling her before she can start getting fussy again.

I look at my nipple and saw that it was bruised and red. I grunted in annoyance, having to explain to everyone that sees this that Ranjiro child caused this bruise on my nipple.

"I'm going to head out now!" I told the two, making both of them look at me with a smile.

"Okay, have a good day Inosuke and I wish you luck on Himiko!" Tanrino said, me making sure I give Kogame her black tip burgundy hair head pats.

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