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Today was Y/n's day off because of his matches tomorrow. He had to rest, get his mind sorted so that he was a hundred percent for his fights.

So to keep his mind at ease, he goes to the one place that he loves to kick back and relax while meeting someone he loves to be around.

The library.

And in the library is one of the few members that is often watching over the castle. He finds that person who was stocking the books on the shelves and crept up on them.

But instead of scaring them, he places his hands on their shoulders and crouches down to their level.

"Shizuka..." he said softly, not scaring the person before meeting their gaze.

That person is Shizuka.

In a bold manner, she was pecked Y/n on the lips which made him surprised.

Though he doesn't seem to be against the idea as he gave one back and smiled.

"Slow as usual?"

One might say...

That's what he assumed since not a lot of people in this school read. They have phones and technology and whatnot so visitors are a rare find in here.

Y/n doesn't mind what everyone thinks.

His focus was on the girl.

"Do you have any tasks today?"


Shizuka knew why Y/n asked that and since he got his answer, he wasn't going to let the girl work by herself as the two got to business.

Well, not without a rocky start as Shizuka goes to push the cart but barely made any progress. Her determined yet struggling face was enough to make Y/n smile at her cuteness.

"I got it..." he offered the gesture to Shizuka who thanked him and followed her through the aisle of shelves filled with books. They'd stop by every few seconds for the small bean to fill the books into the appropriate cracks of the spaces.

Finally it came down to last couple of books, Shizuka had no trouble filing the books in their respective sections.

At least, that's how it was supposed to go as the last book had to be on the top shelf where the girl had trouble reaching to.

Y/n watched her once again with a soft smile.

...So cute...

He doesn't let her suffer any longer as he grabs the book from Shizuka's hands. "Here, Shizuka..." he said before easily pushing it on the top shelf.

"Well, that's everything in the cart..." Y/n says as he stretched a little before turning his attention to Shizuka. "I think I'll-"


The collar of his shirt was pulled down and his reaction was delayed. It happened quick but eventually when he realized it, he didn't fight back.

A kiss.

Shizuka was on her tiptoes, shaking at the amount of effort she had to reach to Y/n's lips. Her eyes closed, letting the kiss go on as long as she wanted to as the boy finally kissed back and helped make the situation easier for the small girl.

For a few minutes in the aisle of the bookshelves where nobody was present, they kissed and kissed and kissed until the first one to tap out was Shizuka who pants like crazy and blushed so hard.

Shizuka Yoshimoto x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now