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Finally, their days off meet as Y/n waited for Shizuka to exit out of her classroom. With his kendo by his hip, rubbing the handle softly to keep his familiarity, he leaned on the wall by the door. Everyone has exited the class by now but only one was the only priority for him. "I hope Shizuka's fine..."


Then on cue, she finally gets out of the classroom and smiles to him.

Good afternoon... Y/n...

"Hello, princess..." he smiles back and gave her some head pats. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"


"Alright... Where do you wanna grab to eat?"

A hot drink... would be nice...

"You want some hot cocoa?

Her eyes widens and she nods eagerly, making Y/n laugh at such cuteness. "Of course... I could go for some coffee..." he sticks his hand out to her but she doesn't grabs it immediately. Instead, a nervous look, "What's the matter?" Y/n takes notice of this as she points up at the ceiling.

He knew what she meant.

"Oh... You wanna do... that..."

She nods softly, still looking nervous as before. The boy would grab her hand and...


She throws her up in the air and catches her on his shoulder. She sits on him, wobbling a little and holding his hair for support before the two would glanced each other and giggled. Y/n sighs softly, "You love being a tall girl, don't you?"

The view is nice... up here...

"It is..." he agrees as the two heads out of the school and along the pavement that followed towards a city. The smile as wide as possible, she observed everyone and everything at a higher perspective. She'll forever be short but at least she's light enough for Y/n to carry.

As Y/n doesn't mind being her little servant for this small request, they arrive at a peaceful coffee shop where some lofi songs could be heard from the speaker as well as the faint yet familiar smell of coffee runs into their faces.

"I'll take a black coffee... Couple sugar and creamer on the side... and you want a small, medium, or large?"

I will attempt to do... a normal...

"Medium hot cocoa... and a croissant?"

She nods. "And a croissant please..." Y/n requested as their orders has been punched in and decides to find an empty table. But Shizuka taps him. "What's wrong?"

She points at a table of students. But not just any students but a couple of their friends, Rentaro and his girlfriends as he knew exactly what she was trying to insinuate.

"Rentaro!" He calls for the boy of the table as he met Y/n's gaze and-


I'm just kidding.

Rentaro waved to the h/c, "Y/n! Shizuka! Come join us!"

A small command but a welcoming one as Y/n puts Shizuka down on her seat and sat next to her. Rentaro's girlfriends, Hakari, Karane, and Nano greets the couple with open arms and talked in their... double date?

No, this is a double date until Y/n sees his order getting ready and went to grab them. But as he does, he turns back to find an unrecognized face near their table. Being able to read their faces, Y/n knew the aura that was emitting from Rentaro and the girls. 

"They're all-"

He does a funny march with his drinks and croissants in his hands, getting ready to confront this person who seems to be fresh into his adulthood.

"I gotta figure out this situation... First, this guy gotta back the hell up before I knock-"

He slams his drinks on the table, handing the small bread and coffee to Shizuka who was frightened out of her mind from the intruder and grabs the person behind his neck.

"Leave them alone..."

"Man, shut up! This guy claims all of these girls are his girlfriends!"

"Because they are-"

"I'm going to slap you!"

"Hey!" Y/n shoved him back away from Rentaro, "Don't you dare lay a hand on my friend!"

"You too?!" The boy grits his teeth as he unhesitatingly grabs Y/n's coffee and splash it on his face. Everyone at the table gasps, the hot coffee settled quickly on Y/n's face.


The pick up artist slowly grew shocked as the h/c had no reaction. He drank some of the spilled drinks that ran from his hair and down to his face. Eyes were wide as the kendo master was just standing there, "...Yup, raw black coffee is way too bitter for me..."

He turns to the troublemaker with a growl, he backs up as Y/n does a quick flinch to scare the boy away.

Once he was gone, he focuses on himself. He was drenched and smelled like coffee, disappointed that his date had to start like this.

Are you okay?

He turns to Shizuka who was shaking and smiled to her. "Nothing to worry, princess... I just need to change into my P.E. clothes..." he pulls his clothes from his bag.

"It smells like sweat but it's better than the coffee..."

"Here, Y/n!" Rentaro chips in as he took some body spray from his bag and hands it to the h/c. "Thanks..." he says as he went to the bathroom to switch out his clothes and spray a couple hints of the spray to get that smell away a little.

Soon, he gets out. He looked out of place when he takes a seat at the table but smelled and looked a tad bit better than before. He insists that the double date go on where nobody retaliates and did so.


Except for one as he turns down to the girl who was still worried about what happened earlier.

Are you truly... sure that... thou is fine?

"Yes, Shizuka... Don't sweat it too much..." he pats her head softly. "Let's focus on the date, okay?"

Shizuka stares at him for a minute until she finally gives in to his request and does exactly what he said.

The date went on to go smoother than how it started and before they knew it, the date ended.

Shizuka Yoshimoto x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now