⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯ 19 ◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆

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"Where is Crete!" I panicked as I guided my horse to Laurent. "I can't find Crete," I repeated. Looking over everyone I could see. The wagon ahead of us blocked my view. He's gone. I can't believe myself. Did I forget him!

"He was with us in the cabin after the attack." Laurent looked around. "Stay here. I'll check the front," he ushered as he weaved past the wagon to the front of the group. I spotted Alice's questioning look from the dusty uproar of the wagon wheels. I smiled, hoping it was convincing.

I'm going back if he's still there. I don't care if it might be dangerous I can't leave him.

I moved toward the side of the path. Avoiding the dust clouds everyone ahead of us created. At least I'm not in the back of the group. Rifftan told me to stay in the middle of our group for safety.

The sun is shining high above us now, yet it's hard to see just where we're headed—there's just trees and more trees.

Laurent stopped at the side of the path and waited until I trotted up to him. He pointed ahead of the wagon as a hand waved from the crowd. Crete's dark black hair bobbled up and down with the strut of his horse.

"Thanks," I said. The anxious knot of worry in my chest untying. I panicked for no reason.

"He's with Rifftan's other men. Said he forgot to tell them he's with us, so no one thought to tell us," Laurent explained.

"How am I supposed to lead so many people when I freak out about just one person?" I looked over all the people once again. Having so many people around is something I'm not used to. Let alone have all of them look up to me as some kind of leader.

"You didn't freak out. You were just worried. Anyone would be if they thought a friend was missing," he stated.

He's probably right.

I smiled back at him. "Do you at least know when we are going to take a break? "It feels like we have been riding for days."

"Looks like we're stopping now. Let's go check out why," he offered as he expertly maneuvered his horse to the front of the group. Thankfully, my horse somehow knew to follow his lead.

"We're sending some scouts to search the place before we pass it," Rifftan informed Laurent.

"What are we passing by?" I asked. Riding closer.

"Dowin spotted buildings ahead. We're thinking it's a port village since we're getting closer to the coast. Rifftan's sending some men to see if there's anyone living there," Laurent filled me in. That must be why the wind has picked up.

"Who are you sending?"

"Two guards. They know what to do, so they will be back in a short time," Rifftan said.

"Then let's give the horses a break while we wait."

Rifftan sent off the guys, and we all dismounted. I stretched my legs, as I walked to the wagon. Kiki was munching on the apple Leo gave her while Alice and Donna chatted with another woman.

Her face was lit up with glee, and her cheeks had a rosy hue. I noticed one of the guards kept a gentle eye on her as she brushed a lock of hair from her face.

"Soon," the woman said as she caressed her large belly. She was pregnant—very pregnant.

"How is Irene?" I asked as I strode closer.

"She's sleeping right now." Donna turned the small bundle she held towards me. "Do you know how soon?" she asked the woman.

"No, but I can feel that it's soon," the woman said with a shake of her head. "I just hope we will be someplace safe by then."

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