Chapter 1(Part 2)

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I woke up 2 weeks later in a bed similar to the one I had at my house. Sleeping next to me was my dad. It was the first time I was seeing him in almost a year.


He opened his eyes instantly and flew to my bed. I could see the worry on his face as he looked me in the eyes. I smiled reassuring him that everything was okay. And he smiled back, placing a kiss on my forehead and breathing in deaply.

"Violet. We almost lost you." I knew how worried they must have been but I needed to make him feel better..

"I told mom I would be okay. She should trust me more often." I joked. I knew it wasn't the time but his smile said the contrary.

"I'm so sorry Violet. I never thought something like this would have happened. I should have stayed with you and your morther. But we had to go get him. You know how he gets into trouble all the time." Ken. He had gone to get Ken. My crazy  brother had gotten himself into trouble.

"It's okay dad. "

"It's not okay. Please, tell me what you remember. Did you see their faces? "

" No, I didn't really pay much attention to the ones I wasn't shooting. I only looked into the faces of the ones I killed." Saying this I started crying. I knew those men were trying to kill me and my mom but I couldn't help think of their faces as they realised they had been shot. "I killed people Daddy." I said between cries.

"I know honey, I know." He said whilst sitting on my bed and craddling me in his arms." It's okay."

"No it's not okay. Why were they trying to hurt me and mom?"

" Because they are bad people. Bad people deserve what they get. So don't feel guilty. Never feel guilty. They don't deserve it. No one hurts my little girl. "

We stayed like that until I started looking around. Taking in what surrounded me. I was in a room, slightly bigger than my old room. The walls were of a really soft baby pink. My things were all disposed exactly as they were at my old house. It felt strange that all of my things were there. It confused me.

"Where are we?" I asked my dad.

"In our new home." He answered with a smile." This is your new room. We live just outside the city now. Ken's back, his room is next to yours. Him and mom and the others are downstairs. They've been waiting for you to wake up. They have been here everyday by your side.

"For how long was I asleep?"

"For 10days, baby. You scared the hell out of us. You're mom is so proud of how strong you were. I am proud. You saved both of you." He said hugging me.

Thinking back to it now, I wasn't that strong at the time. I went into shock within 40 minutes after being shot. If that still happened nowadays I would have been killed already. I've been shot many times after that. Well, not that many, normally I kill them before they have the chance.

I didn't have the chance to disappear this time though. I killed the people I was supposed to. What I didn't expect was that kid to be in the way. 

He came out of nowhere storming into the room shouting for his Daddy. The second he came in I knew that if I didn't take him out of there the people attacking me would kill him without giving it a second thought. I was shot as I jumped for the kid. Only shot I let get me, and I made sure the person who shot me died, not more than 10 seconds later. I shot him right in between his eyes. Seeing his eyes loose their spark as his brain stopped functioning and the life inside of him vanished gave me more pleasure than killing that boss of his. 

All this thinking is making me more tired. I'm so close now. It's 20 minutes away from where I stand. So I ran.

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The warmth inside the tree house was everything I could think of. It was time to take out the bullet that after closer inspection I noticed was still lodged inside my arm. I had a little table in front of me where all the necessary instruments were poised.

I had Ethilic alcohol in my hand.

I take the cap off and before applying it to my wound I take off my belt and place it my mouth. I never enjoyed screaming. I prefer doing things like this, myself, for that exact reason.

As I squeeze the bottle directing it to the wound I feel the pain coming back at full power as tears threaten to run down my face. Bitting hard on the belt and feeling my whole body clench from the pain as I continue to clean the wound. 

It's time to take the bullet out. Gladly it was somewhat of a clean shot which means it hopefully stayed in place. I use my fingers to take the bullet out. I have to stop myself as my body shakes out of control. Deep breath in, holding it in place for a few seconds and slowly breathing out to maintain myself steady. 

My fingers, still digging into my flesh, soon catch the bullet. As I take it out a single tear escapes my eyes. 

Ugh. I hate crying. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. 

With the bullet removed, once again I clean the wound and give it a couple of stitches. With the bandage sorted I start arranging the house as I expect my hunters.

It didn't take long for the first pair of footsteps to enter the forest. I smile to myself thinking of how many of them before these have committed the mistake of trying to hunt me. It never goes well. They're just thugs and I'm... I'm Violet. That should say a lot. But no, they'll never learn, they'll keep chasing me until every single one of them is dead or until I am dead. No. Death is not an option for me, never was, never will.

They're coming closer. I can hear them clearly now. I near the little window and see two men in the clearing ahead. They're looking. around. I know they're lost, they've never been to this part of the Forest.

Regardless of that, as I screw the silencer into my gun I smile to myself. I position myself propped on the window and aim the gun at one of the men, relax, and take my first shot. As I hear a tud and a gasp I shoot the next man. 

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