1.1 - The Birth of a Coccinelle

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August 29th, 2015
The end of summer was nearing, and the days slowly getting shorter. September was only a few days away. School would be opening once more. The very thought of entering the 9th grade stressed Marinette. What will I do after Collège? What path must I go down? Will Lycée be difficult? All the thoughts of her future seemed to bounce around in her head. But for now, it was summer, and there was no need to think about it.


The usual summer day began with a late-ish start. Waking up around 9 AM, eating breakfast, then helping Maman with the customers at the Boulangerie. Marinette was always grinning from ear to ear while meeting new customers, introducing them to some newly baked goods or seasonal items her Papa made.

Marinette specifically enjoyed when tourists would arrive at their Boulangerie. Usually, they were from English-speaking countries, which made it all the better. She would use them to practice her English skills. But some would use their interaction to practice their French, which warmed her heart.

"Marinette!" Maman called out for her, "Could you please take over the front counter for a bit while I go deliver these goods?" Marinette nodded her head as she walked over to the front counter of the store.

For the next few hours, she was working at the front counter and assisting customers, until her Papa finished baking and was ready to take over.

"Your work day is done mon chéri, you can go now."

"It's fine! I can still assist, I have nothing to do really." She shrugged. She could go see her friends, but everyone was doing their own thing today. Alix was preparing for a skateboarding competition, Rose had dance classes, and Mylene was working on a promotional for her environmental campaign. Everyone was busy.

Everyone except Juleka. Perhaps I could see her today? Papa burst her little thought bubble, "Well if you're not busy you could go upstairs and prepare the table and dinner. We're having Monsieur Wang over for dinner." Just as Papa finished speaking, a customer walked in.

"Sure thing Papa!" Marinette quickly ran upstairs and unlocked the door to their home. Papa didn't inform her when Monsieur Wang would be arriving, just that he would be arriving for dinner. It's best to prepare the food right away and then go on with my day. It was noon, after all, the food would take a few hours to prepare. It was Marinette after all, something would go wrong.

What to prepare, what to prepare, what to prepare! All sorts of Chinese cuisine raced through Marinette's head. She didn't know what region Monsieur Wang was from, but she knew he was friends with her mom's family who lived in Shanghai. He was the reason she was able to go to university in France.

After some thought she decided to go for a very basic meal option, dumplings. It was a Xiaolongbao, a dumpling dish. She made it in bulk so that she could give Monsieur Wang some to take home, but also so she could have some leftovers for her very first day of school. Which was in two days, if you counted today.

"Oh dear, what is that smell!" Her mother cried out as she entered the door. She was smiling as she brought in several bags of what looked like food, "Aww, mon chéri are you preparing something?" She clicked her tongue in disapproval as she was taking out her bags of what looked like Chinese takeout.

Marinette felt a little pang in her chest. Did her mother really not trust her to make food? Or was this the original plan? Her thoughts were interrupted by her mom walking over to the stove to turn it off.

"Don't overcook the Xiaolongbao. It's supposed to be steamed, remember?" Her mom picked up one and blew on it lightly before eating it, "This is good Marinette!" She nearly choked as she spoke. But pride filled Marinette's chest.

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