chapter two: first day

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Lydia's morning started as she normally would start her morning. Taking a shower, getting dressed, eating a quick breakfast, and making a nice big cup of coffee. She was excited for her first day, but also somewhat nervous being the new kid. It was almost as if she was starting over from scratch, if that scratch came with a renowned title and awards.

She made her way to the hospital, stopping outside of its doors to admire the beauty of it even with the debris from the tornado the night before. Luckily, she and Nick had left Joe's before it blew through the area.

She had made it. Her dreams stood right in front of her and there was no way she would let it out of her sight. As fellow doctors, nurses, and surgeons passed by her, a smile grew on her face. This was it. The dream.

Lydia walked through the double doors of the hospital and was immediately hit with that same nervousness from that morning only now it was heightened as she tried to navigate through the vast floors and hallways of the hospital. She had somehow gotten turned around and lost her way. She searched the halls and came across a brunette woman leaning against one of the nurses stations.

She slowly approached her, "Hey, sorry, uh, I'm new here and it seems I may have gotten lost. Could you help me find Chief Grey's office?"

The woman smiled, "Oh hi, yes of course. It's just across the catwalk in the west wing. So you're new here? Intern?"

Lydia chuckled at the assumption, "Wow, I am flattered that you think I am that young but no, Cardio Attending. Lydia Reynolds." She held out her hand to the other woman.

The woman took her hand and shook it, "Amelia Shepherd. Chief of Neuro."

Lydia smiled, feeling a bit flushed as their hands touched. It was as if there was some immediate connection or maybe that was the gay panic rushing through her. She quickly pulled her hand away and tried to hide the redness of her face, "Well, I should, uh, I should go see Chief Grey now. It was nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I'll see you around." Amelia said, waving goodbye as Lydia walked away.


After finally finding her way through the hospital, she was met with the office door to Meredith Grey's office. She knocked lightly on the door until she heard the soft voice on the other side call out for her to come in.

She opened the door cautiously and smiled as she saw the woman behind her desk, "Hi, Chief Grey. I'm-." Lydia started, making her way inside the room.

Meredith interjected, "Doctor Reynolds, I assume. Yes, come in, come in."

Lydia smiled and sat down in the chair across from Meredith's desk, "Yes, it is such an honor to finally meet you and thank you so much for this opportunity."

"We needed more hands and I've heard great things about you. You've won many awards, you have your own research study, and you've studied at some of the most prestigious hospitals in the country. We are the ones honored to have you. Doctor Pierce is who you will need to meet with next and she will get everything sorted with the patients you'll be seeing."

Lydia blushed at the compliment, "I do appreciate hearing that from you, Chief Grey. Now, when should we discuss my lab?"

Meredith looked up at her, "We can talk about it now. What do you need to know?"

"Honestly, my question is mainly about staffing the lab." Lydia said, crossing her legs and leaning back in the chair.

"Well, as you know, Grey Sloan has had a terrible year. We hit a rough spot and doctors dropped like flies. For now, you will work with one of the new interns that are being brought in today. You can watch their skills today and take your pick. It's your choice." Meredith offered, knowing there wasn't really room for negotiation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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