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"I think it's about time you quit your day job and became a painter," Stella says as she walks into the nursery where Kelly is painting it a soft yellow. "Haha, not a chance that is ever happening," Kelly says through a little chuckle. "It's really looking good," Stella says as Kelly steps down from the ladder and walks towards her. "Can you believe that she'll be here in, like, a month?" Stella asks as Kelly places his hands on her baby bump. "It's come around so fast. It feels like yesterday that we were in the doctor's office seeing her for the first time," Kelly says. "Well, we still have to decide on a name," Stella says, giving Kelly a cute smile. "Yeah, I know. We'll get there. I have to run to Home Depot and get some more paint. I'll be back soon," Kelly says, leaning in and kissing Stella. "Kelly, this isn't something you can keep procrastinating about. We're picking a name tonight," Stella says playfully as Kelly walks out of the room. "Yes, dear," Kelly replies, making Stella chuckle.

"Hey babe, the game is about to start," Kelly calls out just as Stella walks into the room. "I'm getting another beer. Do you want anything?" he asks as Stella makes her way to the couch. "I'm good, thanks," Stella says as she sits down. Heading towards the fridge, Kelly says, "Mmh, Casey called when I was out. He said he'll be back in Chicago the week after the baby's due date to see his sister." "I hope you didn't say he could stay here. I mean, I love Casey, but that would just be too much," Stella says. "Nah, I didn't. Plus, he said he already had something worked out. Didn't want to make us feel pressured or anything," Kelly says as he sits back down on the couch.

"What's that?" Kelly asks as he notices the old shoebox Stella is holding. "I think it's yours. I found it in the closet in the nursery," she says as she hands the box to Kelly. A big smile lights up Kelly's face as he lifts the lid and sees the photos that were stored in there. "Wow. I haven't seen a lot of these photos in a long time," Kelly says as he flips through the photos. Stella moves in a little closer, placing her chin on Kelly's shoulder when Kelly stops, overcome with emotion. "Hey," Stella says as she notices the shift in Kelly's mood. Trying to fight the emotion, Kelly looks over at Stella and then back at the photo and says, "You know, she's been gone almost 10 years now. It will be 10 years around our daughter's due date." Feeling Kelly's emotion, Stella starts stroking the back of his head. Kelly doesn't talk about Shay much anymore, so she knew this must be hitting him hard. As Kelly continues to look through the photos, he starts to ask, "Did I ever tell you that Shay and I almost had a kid together?" "No, I don't think so," Stella says, shaking her head. "Well, um, just before they broke up, Shay's ex-girlfriend had a baby with her ex-husband," Kelly explains. "Wait, what?" Stella says, as she continues to listen. "Yeah, I know, right? Anyway, after that, Shay started thinking about how she wanted a kid of her own, and like always, she was going to do it no matter what. She started looking at donors and wasn't exactly liking how everything worked and couldn't seem to find the perfect guy. She kinda wanted someone who would be a part of the child's life. As her closest friend, I was the first person she thought of. She seemed so excited and ready for it that the more I thought about it, I just felt like I couldn't say no. Anyway, in the end, it didn't work out, and uh, then she was gone," Kelly continues to explain as the emotion starts to take over again. Not knowing what to say, Stella looks over at Kelly, her eyes filled with love.

"Shay would have really liked you," Kelly continues. "I know I don't talk about it, but every now and again, I see or hear something that reminds me of her, and I start thinking that I wouldn't be here without her. Shay was my rock for the longest time. She helped me out of so many tough spots, like my addiction. Without her, I probably would have completely destroyed my life somehow, and then I would never have met you. And you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I honestly don't know what I would do without you," Kelly says, fighting back the tears. Stella pulls Kelly into her and just holds him for a minute, letting his emotions flow. Once Kelly gathers himself, Stella looks him in the eyes and says, "She sounds like the best. I'm glad she was there for you." "She definitely was the best," Kelly replies.

"I mean, just a suggestion, but have you thought about somehow naming our daughter after her?" Stella asks. "Yeah, it's crossed my mind, but I don't know. I always thought I would do the family thing, like my name and name her after my mom somehow," Kelly says. "I mean, Jennifer is not my favourite name in the world. It's kinda a little too old school, if you know what I'm saying. Maybe we could use it as her middle name?" Stella suggests. "Yeah, I like that," Kelly replies in agreement. "Are you still leaning more towards Olivia?" Stella asks. "I am. I think it's super cute. Olivia Jennifer Severide, I think it will suit her well," Kelly says. "Yeah, sure," Stella replies with a little hesitation in her voice. "You don't like it, do you?" Kelly asks, noticing Stella's hesitation. "It's not that I don't like it. I do. But I guess, I don't know, I feel like it doesn't quite suit her. I was thinking something more gender-neutral and maybe less common, like I don't know, Peyton or Wyatt or Elliot, or even Riley. I feel like it will allow her to be anything she wants to be and not have her tied down to any societal norms," Stella explains. "I get that. Who would have thought choosing a name would be this hard?" Kelly says with a slight chuckle as his mind shifts to his future rather than his past. "I know she'll be here soon, and you wanted to make a decision tonight, but what if we brainstorm a little more, just to make sure we get this 100% right?" Kelly suggests. "Yeah, okay. I like the sound of that," Stella says as she snuggles down into Kelly just as the Blackhawks-Canucks game starts. Still feeling the weight of Kelly's emotion as they hear the sound of the puck drop, Stella looks up at Kelly and says reassuringly, "Hey, I love you." Kelly looks down at her with the biggest smile on his face. Leaning in to kiss her, he says, "I love you too."

New Beginnings: A Stellaride StoryWhere stories live. Discover now