Day 2 | Lights, Camera, Action.

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Ending of Day 1.

[TW/trigger warning: fainting, blood, vomiting, being hung, cursing.]

I walked to the woman's bathroom and walked to one of the stalls, vomiting into it excessively. Fuck, fuck, fuck.. is that what the 'punishment' is?! What the shit.. I can't deal with this stuff today man.

I heard crying in the stall next to me and I stood up. "Hello?" I mumbled softly. "...Yes?.." It was Aaliyah. "Why are you in the girls bathroom?.." She mumbled and I laughed, flushing the toilet to drown out her sobs a little. "Transgender. Anyway... you okay?" I sat on the toilet seat and looked down at the floor. "Not much. I feel sick.. like, a lot." I nodded softly even though she couldn't see. "Yeah.. I feel that." I responded and looked up at the ceiling. "I wanna go home.." She mumbled and I pulled out my E-Handbook, checking the time. 7:25.. "We gotta get home soon, Pinkie." I said and got up from the seat, opening the stall door and walking to the sink. I heard the stall door open behind me and Aaliyah appear beside me, staring into the mirror with red puffy eyes. "I'm gonna make it out alive.. right?" She said after a long pause of silence. "..We are going to make it out alive." I wiped the vomit that was still on my face and looked over at her. She looked back at me and wiped the tears that were still down her face. "Come on." I grabbed her hand and walked out the restroom.

Day 2.


I yawned and rolled onto my side, looking over at Aaliyah who was already up. "Oh, you're up earlier than me?" I said and laughed softly, getting out of bed. She rolled her eyes and put her Mary Janes on. "Hurry up.." Aaliyah responded and I put my sneakers on, running out the door.


We walked inside and the fireplace was on. This time, Vivi and Parker were in the kitchen making.. what smelled like eggs and burnt toast. "PARKER! DID YOU BURN THE BREAD?!" Vivi screamed. "Of.. course not." He responded and quickly put the burnt toast in the trash. Vivi sighed and helped him make another piece of toast. "Keep an eye on it this time.. please." She responded and went back to her eggs. We both found a spot next to Pep, Sleepy and Uni. "Hey, man, you alright?" I asked to Uni. I used context clues that she was upset.. Pep had her hand on her back. She only responded with a sigh. "She's still a bit shaken about what happened yesterday." Pep spoke for her and Sleepy nodded. Aaliyah rested her cheek in her palm. "Talk about it.. Jen was your brother, right?" She asked and Uni nodded slightly. A few minutes later, Parker and Vivi brought out eggs on toast. "Here's your breakfast for today!" Parker said and smiled, placing the 4 plates down. "Thank you, Vivian!" Aaliyah grabbed the plate and bit into the toast. Uni didn't touch her plate at all. "...Uni, you need to eat." Sleepy said and looked at her. Uni shook her head slightly and looked down at the food, her stomach rumbling slightly. "Uni, I can hear your stomach rumbling." Pep responded and I nodded in agreement. "If you don't eat, we won't eat." I snatched Aaliyah's plate away and she jumped. "WH?!-.. Oh.. yeah." She swallowed her egg and laughed weakly. Uni looked around the table and I smiled softly. "...Fine." She mumbled and picked up the toast, biting into it softly. We all softly clapped and Uni had the slightest smirk on her face.

A couple minutes later, the fire inside the fire place started to grow. "Uhhh.. guys." Melody said and pointed at the fireplace. Robin immediately got up and looked over at Parker who was getting a towel from the kitchen. Parker started to fan the fire with the towel rapidly, but the fire only grew. "Oh shit." Robin mumbled and pushing Parker back. Narrator Sulati emerged from the fireplace and giggled, the fire getting smaller a bit. "My bad! I had to tell all of you guys something!!" Both Parker and Robin were on the ground, giggling to themselves from how scared they were.

The little imp spun around in the air and giggled, raising his hands into the air. "Hello, Goblins!!" He screamed, looking around the cafeteria. "We're opening some new room that was blocked off before.. THE THEATER ROOM!" He threw confetti around the room and grinned. "Theater room? I like the sound of that." Pastelle smiled and giggled. I laughed and looked over at the fireplace, still a bit confused of how he even managed to fly out of there.

"That's all for today, goblins! I'll see you all later!" Narrator Sulati giggled and flew back into the fireplace, a few crackles of fire emerged from the lit flame. Pastelle stood up and hopped onto the table. "Well, then, let's go see what kind of DUMB props are in the theater room!!" She giggled and hopped off the table, running out the cafeteria quickly. "LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN FUCKIN' EGG!" Parker yelled and ran out the cafeteria. I looked back at the 3 and gestured my head towards the door. "Why not?" I said and Uni giggled, running out the door as quickly as she could.


Ethan was the last one to walk inside but we all still cheered for him, especially Uni. Pastelle was taking out random wigs from backstage and throwing them out to the crowd. We were all giggled and I grabbed a blond hairstyle, jumping up to catch it. I shoved it ontop of my afro and giggled, looking over at Sleepy who had two bows on his horns. "Pffttt.. you look great." I said and Sleepy rolled his eyes. Pep was laughing uncontrollably.

After hours of messing around in the theater room, we were all shit-tired. "AND, THATS A WRAP!!" Pastelle shouted from the stage and everyone cheered. "Lunch tiiiimeee~" Pastelle sung and hopped off the stage, dashing out the door. "LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGGGGGG!!!" She screamed and laughed, running down to the cafeteria. Sleepy giggled and quickly sprinted out the door. We all ran after both of them.

Sleepy won this time, Pastelle groaning and sitting on one of the chairs out of breath. Ethan laughed softly and sat on the chair next to me, clearing his throat and looked back over at the kitchen. Vivi was already starting to make Tomato Soup for everyone. The cafeteria was pretty loud with everyone talking in it but soon, someone spoke up. It was Uni.
"Does anyone wanna go see the backstage lights with me?" Uni asked and Ethan perked up. "..I'll go." He mumbled and Uni swung her feet around the chair, grabbing his hand and walking out. He was basically getting dragged. "WAIT!??" Ethan tried to stand on his own two feet before finally starting to walk again.


Me and Ethan opened the doors to the theater room, very excited to see all the backstage stuff. Or, at least I was. Once we opened the doors and I looked up at the stage, my eyes widening. "Wh..what the.. fuck.." I mumbled.

Melody's body was hung by one of the ropes.. she was just swaying from side to side.

[1260 words]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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