Jack ankle injury

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You were helping your son Jack Jr. Homework then heard a loud banging on the stairs you and Jack jr run to the stairs to see Jack on the floor and the camera near the plant

"Jack?" You asked

"I was filming then I fall down the stairs" Jack said

"Are you hurt Dad" Jack Jr. Asked

"Nope" Jack said and tried you stand up then  yelled out a ouch

"Jack did you broke your ankle?!" You ask very seriously

"Ugh yes!" Jack yelled out in pain

You help Jack up and put his arm around your shoulder

You take Jack to the sofa

"Jack Jr. Please watch your Dad as I grab the aid kit" you said

Jack Jr nod

You walk to the bathroom and grab the aid kit

You walk back to see Jack on the floor

"What happened" you said looking at Jack Jr.

"He tried to grab a snack and he didn't ask me to get him a snack" Jack Jr said

You look at Jack with a very mad face

You grab Jack and put him on the sofa

"Jack ask your son to get you a snack plus remember your ankle..." You said

Jack sigh as you wrap bandages around his ankle

"What snack do you want" you ask

"Popsicle" Jack said

You walk to the kitchen and open the fridge and three popsicle

You walk back and give Jack and Jack Jr popsicle

You ate your popsicle

You sit next to Jack and cuddle him

Jack kiss your forehead

Jack Jr sit next to his dad

"Dad I hope your ankle will be okay" Jack Jr said

"Thanks son" Jack said pet his head

Max walk in and hop on the sofa

"Hey max" you said petting your dog

Jack kiss you

"Blah get a room" Jack Jr said

You and Jack chuckle

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