quickie at job (lemon)

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(If you don't like naughty stuff or under age please skip)

You are the cashier at your husband fast food restaurant Jack in the box

You saw Jack

"Hey Jack" you said

"Honey can we do something a bit quick" Jack ask

"Sure what" you asked

Jack get close to your ear

"Can we have sex a bit quick here" Jack whispered

You blush

"You could've done yesterday" you whispered

Jack pull down your pant a bit down that no one will notice and unzip his pant and slip his dick in your vagina

You blushed

"Oh God Jack your big" you whispered

You saw a girl walk in

"Fuck" you whispered

The girl walk up and surprise to see Jack

"Wow hi" the girl said to Jack

"Hello" Jack said

"Um I will like a a ummmmmmm" the girl said and think

You feel jack grinding in you a bit fast

You cover your mouth

"Miss are you okay" the girl ask

"Y-yes" you said

"Okay I will like the chicken bowl" the girl said

You put it on the computer and sent it to the kitchen

"That will be $4.69" you said

The girl give $5

You give her $1 and some coins

"You can sit down and I will let you know" you said

The girl walk to a table

You feel Jack dick hit your G-spot

You grunt under your breath

You look at Jack

Jack slammed himself inside you

You cover your mouth and try not to moan out loud

You saw a worker sat down the chicken bowl

"Hey ma'am" you said

The girl look at you

You grab the chicken bowl

The girl walk to you and grab the chicken

"Thank you" the girl said

"No problem" you said

The girl walk away and exit the restaurant

You look around the restaurant to see no one

"Jack when are you done" you asked

"I'm gonna cum" Jack whispered

You look around the restaurant again to see no one

Jack push you on the counter and cum inside

You blushed

"Um Jack" you whispered

"Yeah" Jack said

"Were you wearing a condom" you ask a bit worry

"Um no" Jack said

"Dammit Jack" you whispered

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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