Part 1

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Michael took a drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke towards some kid walking by.
It was so boring, everyone was busy, off doing their own thing while he sat here, smoking a cigarette, and doing nothing. Typically that would be the perfect activity for Michael, but recently he'd been feeling differently. He stood up and decided to walk around in the town he'd grown up in, continuing to smoke his cigarette. South Park didn't change much, all the same conformist shit that was always there. He'd been spending more time by himself recently, Pete had been with Mike, Henrietta was doing her own thing, and Firkle was with Ike. They'd all grown a lot. The second Michael turned 18 he got tatted and pierced, now that he was 22, these tattoos included one on his lower waist, a few on his back, and some on his arms and neck. His piercings included ears(it's the same on the other side): 2 Lobe piercings, 1 upper lobe piercing, a conch piercing, a Helix piercing, and a Flat. He also had an eyebrow piercing, a nostril piercing, 1 lip piercings, and a tongue piercing, (that the lady's love quite a bit 🤭). 
He was still goth but toned it down a bit, at this moment wearing a dark gray shirt, black jean jacket, and his usual black pants. He was fit, slim, muscular but not too much. He still had his black curly hair and wore his usual makeup, just less intense. As Michael walked around South Park he saw the old raisins store and was surprised to see that it had been replaced with a hooters.
He laughed to himself, thinking about the weird memories he had there, it was honestly really creepy that it was a thing.
He decided to go in, the second he opened the door he noticed that all the same girls who had worked at raisins were now working here.
He decided he'd get a table and walked up to the front desk, and was surprised to see the blonde haired girl he'd had a crush on from 5th to 11th grade. "Michael?" The girl asked
"Hey Mercedes" he said, trying to hide how happy he was to see her.
"How have you been! Are you planning on getting a table?"
"Uhm, yeah. I've been mellow"
Mercedes giggled "still goth then, right?" She said while leaning over to the desk closer to him
Michael blushed slightly "obviously"
Mercedes laughed again, "well, I know you came here for a table, but I have my break in a few minutes. Would you be interested in maybe going somewhere to catch up?"
Michael wasn't expecting that at all
"Oh. Yeah, sure."
"Great!" Mercedes smiled "I'll be right back!"
She then walked off, a few minutes later she returned in a hoodie, her super short shorts still showing.
"Aren't you cold" Michael asked, looking at her outfit"
"You get used to it" she laughed "ready to go?"
Michael nodded and Mercedes grabbed his hand and led him out the door. Michael slightly blushed as she grabbed his hand, but shook it off.
They walked to a park near the restaurant, Mercedes let go of michaels hand and shoved her hands in her hoodie pockets. "It's nice to see you again" she said "do you still live here?"
She sat up on a ledge of a wall like thing in the park. (y'know those things where it's like you walk in the park and there's like a little wall thing for decoration or something, and you can hop up on it, that's what it is) she kicked her legs slightly as they dangled. Michael was pretty tall, so he was able to still be at a good height next to her as he stood next to the wall she sat on. Michael thought about her question for a moment "Sometimes, I guess half of the time. I like to see other places but I always end up back here. What about you?"
Mercedes smiled at Michael "actually I just moved back here, I was living somewhere else for a while but it just didn't feel right."
"Yeah, I get that" Michael replied and then pulled a cigarette out of his jacket pocket, put it to his mouth, and lit it. He took a few drags (sorry idk what else to call it) of the cigarette before Mercedes grabbed it and smoked it (sorry for the cliché) "aren't you gonna share?" Michael looked at her surprised which made her laugh.
"You smoke?" Michael asked.
Mercedes laughed and rolled her eyes "Goths aren't the only people who smoke y'know, weeds definitely better though"
Michael crossed his arms and leaned them on top of the wall she was sitting on and then looked at her "weeds super conformist"
"Hey, don't knock it till ya try it." She said and laughed yet again. "But anyways" she took a drag of his cigarette and then handed it back to him.
"Do you still hang out with fellow goth" she asked after blowing out the smoke
"Sometimes, they're pretty busy, Pete's dating a weird vamp kid and-"
"Pete's dating a vamp kid?!" Mercedes said, feeling shocked,
Michael slightly laughed "Yeah, the leader too"
"He's dating Mike!!?"
"Yup, weird right ?" Michael handed Mercedes the cigarette again and she took it.
"Oh, and you remember Kyle Brovloski?" Michael asked as he laughed slightly again.
"Yeah, what about him?"
"Well, Firkles dating his younger brother"
"My freaking way! The one for Canada??" Mercedes gasped.
"Yeah, it's so weird,"
"That's crazy," she took a hit of the cigarette. "And what hot girl are you with?"
Michael chuckled "no one at the moment, what about you?"
Mercedes giggles, "well, other than the thousands of men telling me they love me at my job all day~.. no one, no much luck with dating" she shrugged.
"Yeah, same" Michael sighed
"Maybe we're just too hot" Mercedes said, looking at Michael "hey when did you get all those piercings and tattoos?"
Michael looked down at his tattooed body "I got a few when I turned 18, the rest I've just gotten throughout the years. Same as the piercings I guess."
Mercedes laughed at then jokingly smirked "any hidden ones~"
Michael laughed softly "you'll just have to wait and see"
"Oooo~ cocky aren't you" Mercedes teased
Michael shrugged, laughing again.
"I see that tongue piercing tho, you got any use out of that?" She said laughing and almost falling off of the wall she sat on.
He laughed "Well, let's just say I know how to use it" he winked
"Oo, did it just get hot in here?" She joked.
Michael looked at her, she looked really pretty in the light of the sun as it was slowly setting.
"What about you? Any tattoos or piercings?"
Mercedes hopped down off the wall. She turned away from him and lifted up her hoodie showing her bare back, and a tattoo on her lower back.
"A tramp stamp, for work of course" she winked, turning around, she then showed her arm "I've got one on here too. Piercing wise I've got my obvious ear piercing, a belly piercing, and.. some for the girls, if you know what I mean"
Michael laughed, "yeah, I get what you mean"
Mercedes looked at him, "soooo, what are you doing for the rest of the night?"
"Nothing really, why?" Michael said, knowing damn well why 🙄.
"Well y'know, just feeling a bit cold out here, do you happen to live close by?"
Michael smiled at her "what about work?"
"I'll call someone to pick up my shifts, I'll be fine"
"Well then yeah, I live pretty close" Michael reached out his hand for her to grab, she grabbed his hand and they started walking off to his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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