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The tardy bell rings and the teacher begins to explain the new lesson, good timing for me. I try to ignore Tom's staring at me, but it was hard. Finally I talk to him, giving him something better to do than admire me like a weirdo.

"Tom I'm not blind, I can see you staring." He gives me a stupid smile and giggles at my words, "I know, I want you to." I feel dumbfounded. "You creep." I joke. He laughs with me. From what I'm understanding, both him and his brother are very cool guys. And they won't be mean, infact they're the opposites. They are beyond sweet.

I let my guard down slowly whilst talking to Tom, he wasn't dangerous at all. He was kind, but he likes to joke around and flirt. From what I can tell as he tells me his favorite things and the way he explains it, he's still somewhat a kid at heart. He loves being affectionate I hear.

We get caught up in talking and we were taken by surprise when the bell rang. I gather my things as the class empties out. I assume Tom left too. I finish taking my things and look up to Tom standing there waiting for me.

He looks at me with delight, "What's your next class?" I take out my schedule once again. He leans over my shoulder, watching me search. "Ah, I have Language." He smiles happily. "Ooh sweet, you get class with me and Bill."

Our faces light up and I follow him to the classroom. Bill is already standing in the line of people. I watch him stand akwardly waiting for his brother. I stay behind Tom, just incase. I see Bill but soon realize he can't see me.

"Hey Tom, is Ella with you? Or did you even meet her yet?" I hear my name and pop up behind him. "Oh hi Ella!!" He shouts, pulling me into a hug. What I enjoy about Bill so far is that he's very sweet and caring.

"Hi Bill, you were right." I say with a somewhat embarrassed smile. He smiles at me, and looks up at his brother who's smirking behind me. "I told you." He laughs. I nod. Just then the teacher leads us in the class. This class we were separated throughout the class.

I frowned as Bill was already my favorite twin. He was so cool and sweet, Tom was cool too. I feel different about him but its indescribable. It isn't bad though.

The class seems to go by extremely fast and we get released to lunch already. I walk to the lockers with Bill and Tom, looking back and forth at my arm and the lockers until I find mine. I put my books inside and go back to find Bill and Tom.

I walk up to them, a little embarrassed. "Uhm, hey guys?" Tom turns around, "What's up?" I become shy. "Uh can I sit with you guys for lunch?" Just then, Bill shuts his locker turning around to join the conversation. "Of course!" He puts his arm around me and walks us down to the lunch room.

Kids spill in endlessly for lunch. They walk me to a table near the back of the room, it was an empty quiet table, not a soul sitting there. I sit down and Tom sits next to me, Bill acrossed from me.

"Sooo? How's the first day going for you?" Bill asks, intrigued leaning in, he rests his head in his hands. "I think it's pretty fun so far. I still have to go to the library for some books for classes though." Tom jumps with excitement.

"I can take you after lunch if you want, we can just get an excused pass from the counter ladies." Bill rolls his eyes, I was confused as to why, I agree none the less. Its better to have somebody then akwardly by yourself.

"Hey I'm going to go grab a water bottle, be back." Tom gets up and walks towards the table with different drinks, pulling out a dollar.

Bill turns his attention to me, "Has he tried making any moves yet?" He waves his eyebrows at me, I laugh a little hard. "No, I mean he called me pretty but nothing really." Bills face darkens. "Were you hoping he did?" I ask, confused. He smiles, "I mean yeah, we need action." Just then Tom waddles back to us, sitting down.

He opens it, looking lost. "What?" He says, me and Bill look at each other laughing. "Oh no don't tell me you guys are already ganging up on me, we just met her." Tom says, jokingly waving his bottle around as he speaks. "Maybe we are, maybe we aren't." I exchange the joke.

Tom only shakes his head and drinks his water. We continue small talking all throughout lunch until our lunch bell rings. We get up from the table, and separate. Tom takes me to the library, not one kid walks this way with us.

It was on the second level, so he hopped like bunny up the stairs, making me laugh. He looks up at me as he comes up the last two stairs, "What? It's these big ass pants, leave me alone." He jokes.

I only roll my eyes. We arrive at the library, the doors are like an archway. He stops, turning to me. "So what kind of books you need?" I think about it for a moment. "I believe I need books for language." He leads me to a section with tons of books.

"Here you go." He holds out his hand, leading me to the hundreds of books. I walk past him, looking up and down at different books. He comes up behind me, watching me as I look.

"So, what's your type?" I turn around to him, in shock he actually just asked me that. "In what?" I act dumb, making sure this is actually what hes asking. "In men." Yup, definitely what he's asking.

"I don't know. I do like tall guys, and if they're confident. But it just depends I suppose." I say shrugging. He sighs, "I have those but that's too bad." Confused, I question him. "Why?" He smirks, "I'm not your type." I give him a 'really?' look and he laughs.

"I'm just kidding. Plus, I don't need you to like me. I'll make you like me. It's easy." He shrugs, confidently.
I return the joke, "Yeah right." He chuckles, standing against a wall.

I find a book and turn around to show him, at the same time he unexpectedly grabs my waist. He holds me close to his face, my stomach against his. I can feel everything, his abs, his muscles underneath his shirt, even his front. "T-Tom." I stutter, unable to control my blushing. He giggles, bringing his lips to my neck as he speaks, the vibration giving me chills.

"Told you, easy." He pulls away with a sly smirk. I push him kind of hard, making him laugh. "I'm not wrong." He shouts as I walk away to the counter making him follow. The lady at the counter looks somewhat grumpy. "Just this book please ma'am." I say, giving her a polite smile. She checks it out without saying a word. Me and Tom exit the library, walking down the hall in silence. There wasn't anything to speak about really.

Suddenly he talks, scaring me a bit. "You smell good by the way." He stops walking, stopping me by my wrist. "Thank you, but in the library was very risky Tom." He laughs, "That's why I did it." He winks at me. I continue walking, playfully rolling my eyes.

He catches up, stopping me by pinning me against a locker. He towers over me, making me anxious but I don't show it. "Don't be sassy, I can correct you easily." He holds my face up with his hand on my chin, looking me up and down as he fidgets with his piercing.

"Okay Tom, do it then." He leans in without saying a word, his lips are so close to mine. His hand wanders to my hips, and he smiles seductively. Suddenly my heart begins to race. I feel myself blushing slowly, he pulls away. "How's that?" He sounds proud of himself. I cover myself with my book, staying against the locker. "Ugh Tom you're stupid!" I say, unable to control my laughter.

He lets me go and I rush past him, he follows quickly behind. We go back to class and he's on my mind 24/7.

𝐌𝐲 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now