chap.20: Cysara Vysania R. Taraeleor

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cyrus: vyskara!

vyskara: cyrus...

cyrus: vyskara!

cyrus: MIA! MIA!!

mia rushed in the room, she was shocked..

cyrus: call a paramedic!!

it was over for me..

i felt at peace..

cyrus's pov

paramedic: sir, i have good and bad news for you.

cyrus: bad news first..

paramedic: so, her majesty lost too much blood, it looks like her majesty wont live long, her majesty only has a week,

cyrus: can you not do anything about it?!! vyskara cant die! not now! not tommorow, not even 1 week!, arent you the best paramedic in essos?!!

paramedic: im sorry your majesty but queen vyskara can only live for 1 week, there is nothing i can do.

cyrus:..whats the good news...

paramedic: the good news is, her highness is carrying a boy. congrats your majesty.


paramedic: queen vyskara is 11 month pregnant! luckily, her highness didnt drink too much wine.

cyrus: what?

paramedic: yes your majesty. 

i..fuck..why?...why now? sorry..

cyrus: fine then, may i see my wife?..

paramedic: yes your majesty, the queen regained conciousness so you can now talk to her.

cyrus: yes..i understand..

end of cyrus's pov.

vyskara: ..cyrus..why..are

cyrus: why...why?..

vyskara: why what?..

cyrus: why didnt you tell me?...

vyskara: what is there to tell you about?..

cyrus: do you not know?..

vyskara: know what?!!?..

cyrus:..your..11 months....pregnant..

vyskara: what?!!....

cyrus: what..why?...why were you...drinking?..

vyskara: i...

cyrus:im sorry for leaving sorry for being with someone other than sorry for sleeping with someone sorry...for not knowing and for not being there for you...

what?, this whole time, i was carrying my baby?...its either i forgive cyrus even if he hurt me alot, or make him leave and my child will be alone in this world after i die.....

vyskara: ..what you did doesnt many days do i have left?

cyrus: thank only have 1 week..

vyskara: just a week?...did i lose that much blood?..since i only have a week, why dont we name my baby now?

cyrus: ..i was thinking, why dont we name him cysara?

vyskara: yes..cysara vysania, raeltheon taraeleor..

cyrus: yes..i like the sound of that...

and so, i gave birth to a baby boy.

then, after 1 day, cysara vysania R. taraeleor was born.

i only had 6 days left.

vyskara: cyrus..

cyrus; yes my love?

vyskara: after i die, dont ever let cysara go out. if you ever need to go somewhere, dont leave cysara, kerosa khaos is still alive, he might hurt cysara, if cysara gets hurt, i will return from the dead. do you hear me? disguise him, dont ever let anyone see his red hair. red hair means that person is a raeltheon.

cyrus: yes my love.

day by day.

i got weaker and weaker.

until i finaly died in my sleep,

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