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[Name] Kaslana, or also known as K-423 , Herrscher of Finality, Herrscher of Flamesicon, Herrscher of the void, and from the previous era,The Herrscher of The End.

[Name] as the HoFI, was away on the moon to seal the Honkai, came across a strange looking portal in the middle of the moon. They thought this was extremely strange as no one has been up to the moon ever since they went to go seal the Honkai. The portal was of different colors and had different looking designs. It looked as if it was glitching.

They stood there for a couple of seconds, pondering what to do before the portal suddenly dragged them into it, closing itself after it had dragged them in.










Earth 1610 (or a.k.a Miles's Earth)

Miles Morales was the Spider-Man of his Earth, currently he was hanging out with Pavitar Prabhakar, and Gwen Stacy. They too were both Spider-Man and Spider-Woman but just from different universes.

The portal opened from the sky and soon [Name] dropped out of it, falling from the sky and soon to hit the ground.

Miraculously the trio were out swinging from place to place just talking about their universes. Gwen was fortunately looking at the sky when she saw the portal open up, she then alerted the two next to her.

"Hey guys?" She called. "Yeah? What's up?" Miles asked, stopping from swinging and turning around to look at her. "There's a portal that appeared, look!" She says looking upwards. "Oh! It appears so, wait... there's someone falling from there!?! Hurry let's save them before they land on the ground!!" Pav says rushing to go save the person that's falling.

Soon the trio are all rushing to save the falling person, when suddenly they appeared to gain consciousness, and appears to use... POWERS?!?

"?!" They all stop swinging, stunned. "Hold up, did. I just see that correctly? DID THEY JUST USE POWERS?!" Miles screamed. "MILES CALM DOWN, AND SHUT UP THEY CAN PROBABLY HEAR US NOW BECAUSE WERE LITERALLY HIDING AND YOU'RE SO LOUD" Gwen yelled.

"Hm? Hey! Show yourself's!" The person yelled. "Great..." Pav sighed, well there was no point in hiding now since they were busted. Slowly the trio got up, and they were face to face to a person with white hair? Huh? White hair? They've rarely ever seen a person with white hair maybe even never!

The white haired person was definitely not from here, maybe not even from anywhere! Because they were dressed so differently than anyone they've ever meet and seen, and they've been in many different Earth's!

"Hey guys, should we attack?" Miles whispered. "I don't think that would be a good idea.." Pav signaled to stand down, Gwen agreed. "I heard that. Unless you don't wanna be abolished, listen to the one with the brown hair." The white haired person threatened. The trio gulped nervously.

"Uhm.. Well my name is Miles, the blonde one is Gwen and the other one is Pavitar but just Pav for short. It's uh nice to meet you..?" Miles introduced, the other two nodded. "Oh alright, my name is [Name] Kaslana, and I've been dragged here by a portal. I have to get home fast or else everything I've been doing there will go to waste." The white hair- no [Name] explained.

"So uh what exactly were you doing before u got dragged here?" Pav asked. "Well I was sealing the Honkai on the moon." [Name] answered. "Sorry what? What is a Honkai?" Gwen asked. "The Honkai is a reoccurring cataclysm coming in different forms such as: Honkai Beasts, plagues, an ice age, illness, etc. for the sole purpose of exterminating civilization" [Name] explained. "Wait... how is that even possible?!" Miles asked. "It is only possible because I am the Herrscher of Finality, basically I'm a God: the God of end." [Name] explained.

"WHAT?! WE'RE STANDING INFRONT OF A GOD?!" the trio gasped. "Yeah, well not the only God, where I come from there's more Gods, like Herrscher of Human Ego, Origin, truth, reason, rebirth, ice, flamesicon, void, death and others. I've only listed a few" [Name]  explained. "That's.. a lot! So who are the strongest?" Miles asked. "Well I am one, as I'm the Herrscher of Finality, void, and flamscion" [Name] answered.

"Woah.. you're basically unstoppable!" Gwen exclaimed.










While [Name] was sitting down, resting, Miles, Gwen and Pav decided that [Name] would be posed as a threat to the Spider society, so they decided to alert Miguel about them. However they would have to meet him back at HQ, so the trio decided that they were gonna trick [Name] into going to Miles's home for a sleep-over and once [Name] fell asleep, they would sneak out and go back to HQ

 However they would have to meet him back at HQ, so the trio decided that they were gonna trick [Name] into going to Miles's home for a sleep-over and once [Name] fell asleep, they would sneak out and go back to HQ

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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