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- “What do you think?” Wheein asked with hopefully eyes.

- “I’m not going to give you an opinion, Jung Wheein. It’s been 3 months of you trying to impress ME with food when the one who should be impressed doesn’t even know your name!” Moonbyul exclaimed.

Wheein let out a heavy sigh. A too dramatic sigh for Moonbyul liking. 

- “You know… if you never try, you'll never have a funny story to tell your friends...” 

- “Shut u...” 

- “OR”- Moonbyul interrupted her friend with a sly grin forming on her face – “a chance at love”


- “Wheein” -Moonbyul stopped her with a serious voice- “do I really have to remind you of what I said just one minute ago?”

- “What did you say? cause lately I’ve been hearing you complaining with everything I do!” –

Wheein wasn’t a sensitive person at least not when someone was in front of her but today, she had a rough morning with her mother complaining about money, food, family issues and, of course, Wheein. Her relationship with her mother wasn’t improving, and her father- Well, she doesn’t even know his name. Moonbyul was her only friend.

-“Oh no Whee, I'm sorry if my joke crossed a line. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." -Moonbyul kindly said. 

Moonbyul Yi was one of the popular kids in the school- although she didn't like to be called as one, the feeling of being envied or treated differently due to her supposed popularity and the superficial relationships makes her remind of negative experiences and the pressures that come with it. She values authenticity and meaningful connections, and being labeled as popular undermines her desire for genuine relationships based on who she truly is. One of those bad experiences actually wasn´t as bad as she thought. On one hand, she now is mostly known as an -emotion manipulator- and on the other hand, she gained a best friend. Wheein.  

-“But at least talk to her, say hello, or ask her if she could lend you a pencil, anything could work”- Moonbyul truthfully said. 

-“I know but… what if rejects me?”- She sadly said while looking at the presence of the dark-haired girl behind Moonbyul. 

-“She won’t” her friend assures her. 

-“You’re my friend that is why you say that” Wheein said with a little smile. 

-“Yes, you’re my friend Wheepup that’s why I´m the only one who can say it” Before she could continue the clock hits 01:30 pm which indicates it's time to start the classes.

- “Shit… I don’t want to attend Garret’s class” Moonbyul is a good student but not every good student likes all their classes – “If I had a dollar for every time I zoned out in this class, I'd be a millionaire by now” Moonbyul started to pack her things 

- “I’ll try it” Wheein suddenly said “I’ll try to speak with...” Moonbyul waited for her to end what she trying to say but when 5 seconds passed she decided to ask “Wheein?” she could notice her friend’s eyes were focusing on something behind her “Sweetie I have to go please finish your sentence” Moonbyul gives her a brief smile before looking at the direction where Wheein’s eyes where focusing. Now she understands the sudden change of expression.  


Hyejin became tired of constantly moving school, the thought of having to talk and try to fit in with unknown people already made her feel exhausted. However, this time was different because she only had to suffer for 2 weeks, luckily in music class there was this girl called Yongsun. Yongsun from Hyejin’s perspective was someone who can effortlessly capture attention with her magnetic personality she’s a bit too optimistic and silly sometimes however beneath all that smiley facade lies a caring individual who cherishes her friends. Unfortunately, this week her friend, a real friend with whom she can talk with freedom and not necessarily have to deal with awkward moments, caught a cold. “Starting the week with enthusiasm? that's reserved for fictional characters… or for Yongsun” She smiled thinking how possible was for Yongsun could say those words “not real people on Mondays.” Without Yongsun in the school Hyejin decided to get distracted as much as she can, her own exhaustive investigations (google) led her to determine that if you do what you like, time goes by faster.  Most of the time she most likely will be writing music, spending hours and hundreds of sheets until one finally meets her emotional standards and can move on to the second stage, melody. There she was trying to figure out which note would go best with her voice at the beginning of the song. “Hmm, I guess another sad song is coming…” she thought out loud “I promised Yong to make a happier one this time but I can’t just write things that I´m not feeling at the moment” Hyejin kept thinking out loud until she heard a scream from the table behind her. She decided not to turn around she didn't want to get involved in whatever situation was happening on her back but the pitch of the scream gave her an idea of how the song could sound like, “I never knew a scream could be the inspiration for a Grammy-winning song” she smiled at herself. When her eyes looked back up, she narrows a group of 4 girls looking at her as if they were planning some way to murder her with those eyes of theirs, she started to feel extremely small and immediately looked back down. It felt as if all the enormous confidence she developed with the Grammy-winning song crumbled down the moment she would step on the stage. 

“Look! the new girl” the voice startles Hyejin, her eyes now looking at the group of four girls approaching her. She immediately recognized them, well, she could recognize their faces because she didn’t have a clue of their names. The tallest one step a large step closer to her lunch table and grab the sheet of paper “YAH! What the hell do you want? don’t touch my things!” Hyejin struggles to take back her sheet of music “or what? are you going to cry?” the taller girl said meanwhile the other girls surround her and close off the areas where she could potentially escape “If you were trying to get under my skin, you missed the mark. You'll have to try harder.” Hyejin said trying her best to not show them any weakness “don’t show vulnerability Hyejin” She thought. Their presence was overwhelming her. “Oh, our little musician got brave?” the brown-haired girl laughs “Hey Jieun why don’t you give her another opportunity to write something that is not actual trash?” one of them asked “so the taller one a.k.a idiot one is called Jieun” Hyejin assumed in her mind “you’re right let be nice” the next thing that happened caught her completely out of guard, she was waiting for more insults or that they steal her money but Jieun pressed herself closer to Hyejin and ripped her sheet of music in 20 pieces. Hyejin didn't know how to react, she surely had a list of possible insults in her mind and different ways of defend herself but all she could say was “Why? why a-are you d-doing this?” Hyejin asked not realizing the little stuttering she did with a total blank expression on her face. The number of pieces could have been bigger but the class bell rang and saved her from any further evil. She was angry, very angry. Her eyes were getting wet and her biggest desire at that moment was to leave the damn school or at least take revenge, but deep down she knew either of them was not possible specially because of her parents, they wouldn’t tolerate any wrong attitude. Hyejin got up from her seat to pick up the little pieces of sheet that were spread on the floor but when she was about to kneel, she felt a pair of piercing eyes looking directly at her direction “If there's an award for turning bad luck into an art form, I think I've just won first place” she thought.


That's it for the first chapter! I know it could be a lot better but... yeah 😅

I hope you like it :)

You're my grammy award - WHEESA Where stories live. Discover now