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“Oh my god, those fuckers” Moonbyul said almost screaming.

“Wheein I’ll go an-“ but when the blond-haired  girl looked back at her friend she could see the confusion and the amount of words that Wheein was processing, It almost was like her brain was about to short-circuit.

“We have to help her” said the short girl with almost an infrasonic voice.

Just a few minutes ago Wheein was determined to speak to Hyejin during their History class where the professor was like an AM radio, nobody listens to an AM frequency. Wheein thought History class was the perfect moment to make herself know to Hyejin, simply because if the situation got awkward, she could pretend that whatever the teacher was saying was interesting and evade the conversation.
Wheein is an observant person, cautious in her approach, and shy in her demeanor. Her quiet presence often goes unnoticed, but her perceptive nature and thoughtful analysis make her a valuable asset to any situation. Given the right circumstances and trust, Wheein can overcome her shyness and become a steadfast companion, providing support and insight to those lucky enough to earn her trust. The lack of trust from her mother has made Wheein doubt herself and question her own abilities. It has created a sense of unease and hesitancy in her actions, as she constantly second-guesses herself. Moonbyul was the first person she could fully trust and the only person who knew the kind of hell she walked every time school ended. Sometimes Moonbyul would invite her to stay over in her house, an offer that Wheein has never declined.
Even for Moonbyul has been hard to gain Wheein's trust and friendship but with Hyejin, Wheein felt it different, she didn't know why but everyday Hyejin was the person she would look forward to see.
“Byul please go and help her to pick up her notes” she told her friend with a distressed voice.

“Wheeinie I know you are nervous and I REALLY” she made sure to emphasize the word really “REALLY hate what they just did to her and I promise you I’ll have a talk with those idiots but right now I must go and sit for Garret’s exam, if I don’t do it I could lose an year” her chest tightened looking at her friend’s pleading eyes. Moonbyul felt bad for Wheein and also for Hyejin, looking how desperate her friend seemed to be she started to doubt if she should stay with Wheein and accompany her to help and talk to Hyejin, maybe she could go a little bit late to the exam and make up an excuse.

“It’s okay Byul, go to your class I can do it” Wheein smiled not moving from her position “I said I’ll try it and that’s what I’ll do, so...” she took a little pause to inhale air after talking in a self-convince way “break a leg dummy!” 

“That’s my girl” said Moonbyul with a smile on her face “just remember to be yourself and you’ll be fine, trust me” Wheein gave her a nod and Moonbyul started her way out of the lunch area “OH! and Wheein” Wheein looked back at Byul’s direction “stop looking at people like that! your face turns scary when you focus your eyes on someone” Moonbyul said laughing in her way out.

“Maybe I should start wearing a warning sign” answered Wheein in an ironic tone.

Okay so now is me, myself and I” Wheein though as she started to move in Hyejin’s direction “just be calm and introduce yourself, don’t get nervous Jung Wheein you can do this, she’s just a human being” she kept approaching Hyejin while creating a positive status in her mind to ease the anxious state that was increasing with each passing second.

Hyejin didn’t want to talk with anyone, she just wanted the day to end, unfortunately the day couldn't seem to come to an end fast enough for her. It had started off with a cruel blow of  brats tearing apart the sheet where she had meticulously written her heartfelt song lyrics. The pain of that moment lingered in her heart, making her long for the solace of her own room. But deep down, she knew the torment wouldn't stop there. As she walked home, her steps heavy with a sense of impending doom, Hyejin's heart sank even further. She knew that her strict parents awaited her arrival, ready to continue the day's cascade of disappointments. The weight of it all pressed down on her shoulders.

Hyejin started to pick up the pieces of sheet but she couldn’t get rid the feeling of a pair of eager eyes watching her. She looked up and finally made eye contact with the guilty of that strange feeling. A short girl with light brown hair was walking to her direction with a little frown in her face.

Oh, come one! another one? the universe seems to have a personal vendetta against me today” Hyejin thought as she stood up

I’m not going to keep silence and let them do what they want again” she felt a surge of determination.

Taking a deep breath, Wheein mustered up the courage to approach Hyejin, hoping to convey her genuine concern.
As she approached, her piercing gaze unintentionally locked onto Hyejin and she stopped walking.
There was only a chair between them and Wheein couldn’t even articulate a word, her heart started racing inside her chest and her cheeks blushed so deeply in embarrassment. At this point she just wanted to eliminate herself out of existence for doing such an impulsive move. The internal panic she had caused within herself was incredulously large to handle. And luckily, she could easily hide those feelings despite the obvious and humiliating tenseness in her body.
Outside, she looked almost normal but her stomach was doing somersaults.

“Um...I-I saw w-what happened” Wheein timidly said out but due to her tenseness it sounded a little bit aggressive “do you w-“ Wheein could not finish the sentence when Hyejin snapped back.

“Leave me alone! who the fuck do you think you are? Huh?” her voice tinged with bitterness “just leave with Jieun and her army of unquestioning minions” said Hyejin with anger, but when she thought she did a good job defending herself she saw how extremely conflicted looked the girl in front of her. “Maybe… her approach was driven by empathy, not by judgment” Hyejin though “Oh shit...”.

The sharpness of her words pierced through Wheein’s fragile state, causing a mixture of confusion and sadness to wash over her. She stood there, grappling with a whirlwind of emotions.

“Listen I-“ Hyejin was about to apologize.

“AHN HYEJIN COME IMMEDIATELY TO MY OFFICE” the principal ordered Hyejin from the door of the cafeteria.

“Why? I was the one who got-“ she refuted.

“You just cursed to that girl Ahn Hyejin” he said with serious tone “I’m not deaf”

“I- I did but I can explain... you see I thought- “ at this point she was desperate to make things clear, she knew that going to the principal’s office was a synonym of calling her parents and that couldn’t happen.

“Explanations in my office Miss. Ahn” the principal told Hyejin as he was leaving.

Hyejin sighed. Today was so far one of the worst days she has experienced in school. She started to think how could she explain the circumstances in the most calm and empathetic way in order to ease the whole situation and prevent the call to her parents.

Damn I forgot I have to apologize…” Hyejin thought when she noticed the girl was stepping back.

Wheein wanted to be swallowed by the earth. Everything went from bad to worse and she didn't know If she should apologize, run or try to explain she wasn't friend of Jieun. “How odd that sounds” she though. Once again, she was in her own world not noticing that the black-haired girl in front of her was talking to her.

“Hey, um… I think I got you wrong” Hyejin told Wheein trying to unravel what the girl was thinking.

After hearing those words, a wave of relief washed over her but she was still a bit overwhelmed and consumed in her thoughts.

Wheein just shyly nods before turning ahead and facing in the direction of the door. Hyejin only could watch how the girl went away step by step.

"Tomorrow I should give her a proper apologize but first I need to calm down the principal” Hyejin thought out loud “please bad luck go away” she said with close eyes.



Guyss I'm stucked hahah idk how to keep going with this story 😭 now that I'm experiencing the author side I would like to say how much I admire authors specially those who write long chapters ⚡

Anyway thank you for reading!! See you soon (I hope hehe~) ❤️😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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