A Challenge of Wills.

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(A/N: so if you've been reading my other book, you'll notice. I made a slight change in my writing style. I don't explicitly state whose point of view it is, unlike in my previous book. It will be very easy to tell, don't worry.
This is something that might not continue. I might make it a full fledged story, depending on some factors. Enjoy...)
"Look how carefree they are.."
A calm, beautiful voice said. It was a voice that could lull even the most agitated beasts to sleep, it flowed forth like a calm river meandering down its paths. And also like a river, it carried an undertone that signified how volatile it was. Like it could suddenly become like a raging storm, like a tempest.

This voice was the product of a being of divine beauty, slightly tall but closer to average height, porcelain like skin with no blemishes. The figure had blueish silver hair that cascaded down to its waist, a pair of bright gold eyes adorned it's face, glowing with the light of distant stars. The eyes looked like it had seen the advent of creation and the unstoppable arrival at entropy. The beings gender was not easily distinguishable, its face was androgynous.

This being was not meant to be here, it was displaced chronologically. This was a being from beyond this current space time Continuum, it had no home whatsoever. This being was now a wanderer, fated to roam the confines of dimensioned space, all of its endless life.

"Oi, I can hear what you are saying, narrator."

The being said something ridiculous, like it could even comprehen-

"Nah, shut up bitch."


(A/N: okay ignore that. Always wanted to do it lmao)

The being, Rimuru Tempest, former ruler of monsters and member of the octagram. He was none of those things anymore, his world has been lost. It was the result of his complacency, or so he believed. The world destroying dragon, ivarage, had wrecked his timeline, severing it from the ever flowing stream of time. That timeline was beyond salvaging, at least the part of it that mattered.

Rimuru had tried to go back in time multiple times, but he could never reach the part that he needed to interfere in.

It was like those events had happened and were now set in stone, a fixed state. One that it would never leave. Realising this had thrown him into despair, he had lost everything.

His people, his friends and even everyone in the multiverse followed the cardinal world into purgatory.

That is why he was now here, he had no intention of interfering with this timeline. He hoped this rimuru would succeed where he had failed.

He was just an observer, he had been watching this rimuru since his reincarnation.

There were supposed to be problems with this, but he was a being who time moved aside for most of the time. He allowed this other rimuru to continue existing, if he wished it, the paradox would erase that rimuru from existence.

But he saw no reason to do this, in his current mental state, he was apathetical towards everything. The sight of his subordinates, friends and more did not move anything in him anymore. He felt that they were not his, but completely different people.

[[Master, you have been doing this for a while, are you sure we shouldn't find something else to do?]]

"Ciel, what do you even suggest?"


Even the wisdom core was bored, there was nothing to analyse, Ciel had studied everything in the cardinal world to the smallest detail. Nothing here was of interest to her anymore.

Right now, rimuru was watching his alternate self say goodbye to shizue izawa. He looked on with indifference, even before all this, his connection with shizue was not the deepest. He was grateful to her for the form he acquired and resolved to solve her problems for her, but aside from his respect for her, there was really nothing more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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