The beautiful

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Unfortunately for him Holly and Tess gossiped the talk with Vicky. The days passed and carnival came. He was awakened early by his sister and the latter's friends.
Maddy: Princess it's the big day come on!
Lily: It's going to be so tender!
He wriggled out but to no avail. They carried him to the bathroom as if he were really a rag doll. After an hour or so he found himself in front of the mirror. He was dressed like Belle and wearing makeup.
Lily: Perfect!
Jim: Girls please. No more makeup and skirts, I don't like being a girl.
Vicky: Jasmine we have already talked about this! You're too young to decide.
Maddy: Then Michele is waiting for you, Holly has arranged a surprise!
He blanched in terror.
Jim: No girls! I'm not a 12-year-old girl! I'm not going to get involved with him, I'm older.
They burst out laughing.
Vicky: It's okay with our parents, they consider you for all intents and purposes the little one of the house. Stop resisting young lady.
Lily: Your dance with Prince is already arranged.
Maddy: Come on girls let's take her to the venue.
Holly had planned a costume party in the afternoon. He was dropped off with Tess in the morning at the "babysitter's" house. Michele was also there and complimented him on his dress.
Jasmine was dragged to the bathroom.
Holly: So did my brother make an impression?
Jim: I... I mean girls.
"Oh God no! How do I get out of this?"
Tess: Vicky is right, they would look great together.
Holly: I have an idea!
He was dragged into the hall. He saw the friends snickering and starting the stereo, playing a romantic song.
Holly: Michele! Come here for a second!
She blanched in terror as the boy entered the room.
Michele: What is it?
Holly: You know Jasmine thinks she can't dance and is ashamed to attend the party.
Tess: Could you give her a little lesson, maybe a slow dance...?
Michele: With pleasure...
Jim: I... I...
He was paralyzed. He felt himself being grabbed and started. He was bordered again. He spent the next half hour following the boy's directions.
Michele: Maybe you could come to lunch with me and my friends, then we'll go back to the party.
Jim: I don't want to leave my friends.... - replied immediately.
Tess: Don't worry, honey! Just go and have a good time!
Jim interrupted him.
Holly: I can't let my brother get separated from his date at the party.
Distraught and with shattered masculinity he let Michele take him by the arm and lead him away.


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