File 7: R-007 "Darth Thorn"

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Subject: Darth Thorn, Designation R-007

I. ORIGINS: A. Birthplace: Isle of Patch, Vale, Remnant

B. Original Name: Ruby Rose

II. BIOGRAPHY: A. Early Life: Darth Thorn, originally known as Ruby Rose, was born on the Isle of Patch, Vale, in the alternate dimensional universe. She displayed exceptional Force sensitivity from a young age, catching the attention of the Sith Order.

B. Beacon Academy and Betrayal: Ruby attended Beacon Academy, where she forged relationships with her classmates. However, her unique abilities and thirst for power led to a betrayal by her peers. Feeling abandoned and betrayed, she left Beacon Academy and embraced the dark side.

C. Sith Induction: Recognizing her potential, the Sith Order welcomed Ruby into its ranks. Under the tutelage of her Sith Masters, she honed her skills in the dark arts, becoming a formidable Sith Lord known as Darth Thorn.

D. Imperial Conquest: Darth Thorn returned to her birthplace with the might of the Sith Empire, commanding the Imperial Harrow Class Star Destroyer, "Shadow's Wrath." An Imperial Army Detachment, designated as the 1031st Legion, accompanied her in the conquest of Remnant and Beacon Academy.

III. EQUIPMENT: A. Weapon:  The Crescent Scythe-saber - a deadly amalgamation of a lightsaber and Her Sweetheart Crescent Rose.

B. Star Destroyer Flagship: "Shadow's Wrath" - Imperial Harrower Class Star Destroyer

IV. IMPERIAL ARMY DETACHMENT: A. Legion: 1031st Legion

B. Imperial Army Detachment Name: Imperial Blood Reapers

V. STATUS: A. Danger Status: Extreme Threat Level

VI. ROSE-VERSE INITIATIVE: CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTS: A. Interviews: Numerous interviews conducted to understand her motivations and strategies.

B. Classifications: Classified as a Sith Lord with unparalleled mastery of the dark side.

C. Relationships: Tense and adversarial relationships with former classmates who betrayed her.

VII. TRAINING: A. Location: Sith Academy on Korriban

B. Sith Mastery: Mastered the arts of lightsaber combat, Force manipulation, and Sith alchemy.

VIII. ROSE-VERSE INITIATIVE RESEARCH REPORTS: Ongoing research to analyze Darth Thorn's unique abilities and potential weaknesses.

IX. ADDITIONAL TRANSCRIPTS: Classified Rose-Verse Initiative transcripts containing information on her encounters, strategies, and any potential alliances.

Note: This document is classified under the Rose-Verse Initiative. Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited. Violators will be subject to severe consequences.

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