Isshin Ashina

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Mitsuri pov-

I-isshin ashina? I have never heard of that name

Isshina san - you wouldnt know me because i am not from  this era

Me- w-what do you mean

Isshin san- I was something what you call a last resort or rather a shikigami but a very strange and dangerous one at that. I still rember how i was laid to rest by my good friend sekiro after he had quelled my suspicions of him being shura

Me- shura?

Isshin san- A being who slaughters for the fun of death and blood. So back to that , the blade you see is a fushigiri or a mortal blade, but this blade has an additional ability , the gate of opening. By sacrificing your own life you can summon the disred being and therefore i was summoned to battle a being with six eyes . I believe it had uppermoon 1 written on its eyes. He too was holding a sword. He was skilled , it seems he had some kind of technique which created moon shaped crsents in the air. I looked down at my summoner , he had just one hand remaining with which he was holding the sword. He begged me for a merciful death and for the being's demise. I helped him sit straight as I executed him with the honour of a samurai

Me- wait wait wait , u-uppermoon 1??

Isshin san- yes , why?

Me- a-and you survived fighting him

Isshin san- Yes but i cant say the same for him, i admit he surprised me by teleporting out of there , but it was like suddenly his presence was gone as if he had vanished to another dimension. Thats how I was summoned in this world , the demon slayer had taught me about demons and their kind, with his last wish to exterminate them all. Therefore iI have set out to complete his task , now my turn. You and the other maiden carry swords , what are they for?

Me- w-well, w-we are demon slayers ourselves and the highest rank 

Isshin san- rank?

Me- y-yes The Demon Slayer Corps is divided into 10 ranks: Mizunoto, Mizunoe, Kanoto, Kanoe, Tsuchinoto, Tsuchinoe, Hinoto, Hinoe, Kinoto, Kinoe and then Hashira. In that order, Mizunoto is the weakest tier and Hashira is the strongest. You become hashira by being another hashira's tsugoku or killing 50 demons or killing a moon , a-and you since almost killed uppermoon 1 that makes you more than enough to qualify as a hashira but you will just have to keep that terrifying aura in check

Isshin san- and why would i join in the first place?

Me- w-well i-if during a battle you get hurt then we can provide you a-aid

Isshin san- No need , i am already immortal

........ WHAT!? IMMORTAL!!! HOW !?

???-y-you are immortal

I turned around to see shinobu waking up , confused and scared, isshin san approached her

Isshin san- tighten your core

Shinobu- Just do it

She concentrated and did it

suddenly isshin san punched her in the stomach hard and a shockwave in a straightline was shot from her mouth , we saw horrifed as the trees and the back of the house were utterly destroyed

Shinobu- w-what , what happened

Isshin san- The move that i had used earlier , it releases 2 consecutive shockwaves. It appears that you took in both the shockwaves , 1 knocked you out and the other was absorbed and stored by your body , if I hadnt executed the same amount of force on your body then after a while your body would have split in two parts at the slightest of movement. Now back to my question why should I join ?

Me- w-well 

I could feel his eyes narrowing down at me 

only one word could describe it , the gaze of a demon , a shura as he described it

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only one word could describe it , the gaze of a demon , a shura as he described it. I couldnt hold it in any longer and said it

Me- s-shura

Isshin san- you dare compare me to shura , girl?

The menacing aura widend more , suddenly shinobu started to vomit blood

???- I think you have taken the joke too far , isshin

Isshin san- Yes it appears so sakonji , I appologise for this 

He suddenly bowed down a little bit , still towering over us

Isshin san- Here take this

He gave us some circular pills 

Isshin san- Eat thes , the will heal you up

As shinobu and I swallowed the pills , i felt my stamina slowly recharging and Shinobu getting better

Shinobu- th-thank you , but what are they

Isshin san- this is something ashina medics miracle  , it slowly heals your body, also I was already intrested in joining the demon slayer corps thanks to sakonji , I was just having a little fun

Shinobu - *under her breath* at our expense*

Isshin san- Haha I am sorry young lady , so shall we get going?

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