Show of power

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Mitsuri pov-

Me- so how did you come to know about demon slayer corps?

Isshin san- I dont know its just that i may or may not have been sitting with a former hashira?

He said with a flat face

Shinobu- Now Now no need to get sarcastic


He really was a handfully , suddenly we heard some rustling , out came 2 demons 

Me- u-uppermoon 3 and lowermoon 2

???- so thats the guy kokushibo sama  was talkin about 

???- It appears so , but all he really is , is an old guy with a sword and spear

Isshin san- If you are really that confident that you can beat an old man like me , please do come try. But just remebr , be careful of the old man in a proffession where people die young 

???3 - yea yea whatever 

he then dissappeared right out of are sights

Me- ISSHIN SAN Watch ou....huh where did he go?

???3 pov

How is this happening , my limbs have been broken and while they are still able to regenrate , they are taking their sweet sweet time

???- Get up boy, get up and fight me. Try and back all the talk

D-did he just call me boy

Me- I-I  am 200 YEARS OLD

???- And i am the progenitor of Ashina , I am Isshin Ashina , killer of shura's, the sword saint, I suggest if you still want to live then you should get out of here ,you fight like a true man , not harming the weak. Get out. I am giving you only 10 seconds because after that its free game, do you understand?

Me- You underestimate me.......young man

???- watch your mouth brat , I have lived a 100 of your life times . 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6

He suddenly started counting , as if I am going to let him get away , i stood there confidently

???- 3 2 1. Well then , dont say I didnt warn you

Warn me? pfft yeah right

Me- Destructive death dis-

He suddenly  vanished ,removing his presence from the battle ground

Me- what the where did he g-

I was suddenly impaled throught the stomach and lifted high in the air


Suddenly lighting struck me , my whole body was lit up and my cells started burning , I not only felt the sensation of shock metaphrically and rhetorically but also burning

He then pulled out his spear

???- I do enjoy myself a good battle but i am not the beast who likes to prolong someones suffering , I will give you an honoured death , warrior

Me- Hakuji Soyama

???- Very well hakuji soyama , may the shinigamis guide you through the underworld

And with that i looked up as i saw my beloved with a open arms , this had happened before but this time , I was able to get up and embrace the cold calmness of death

Me- thank you....

???- Isshin Ashina

Me- thank you isshin san

Mitsuri pov-

Well thats that , I wonder why

Me- Shit shinobu they were here for isshin san , the upper moon three and isshin san have vanished

Shinobu- shit you are right mitsuri

???- oh? you ended him ? 

I turned around to see, Isshin san? Alive? with no scratches? and he was carrying a sack

Me- Isshin san w-what is in the sack

Isshin san- Its the head of a brave warrior , i shall burry him with respect 

Me- but what about the uppermoon?

Suddenly his expression darkened

Isshin san- thats the brave warrior

H-he , he just killed uppermoon 3 and uppermoon 1 fled the battle 

Shinobu- w-what a monster 

Isshin san - thank you haha, so shall we get going?

Shinobu- of oiurse

We then made our way to ubyahsiki mansion

Isshin san- This is really reall beautiful

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Isshin san- This is really reall beautiful

Misturi- thank you 

Shinobu- so shall we go meet master?

Isshin san- sure

We then went to the main grounds , it appears there were other hashira's as well and for some reason obanai - kun was holding down someone and sanemi kun was holding a box , when suddenly giyuu kun came and removed obanai kun's hand before he broke the poor boy's back. Then i suddenly noticed sanemi kun start stabbing the box , when suddenly the kid ran to sanemi and headbutt him 

Isshin san- Ah internal conflict , reminds me of the the interior ministry 

Me and shinobu rushed to stop them , as soon as we did , master strolled in 

Master- Everyone please quiet down 

He said in a soothing voice, everyone bowed down , except one

Shinazugawa kun - hey you bow down in front of master

Isshin san - I bow to no one

Shinazugawa- oh yeah , i will make sure you do

It was all over in just a second but instead he just brought down his hand in a chop action on shinazugawa kun's head making him faint

Shinobu- *sigh* I knew this would happen 

She then declared loudly before the other hashiras could attack Isshin san

Shinobu- Master we did what you had sent us for , this here is Isshin Ashina , the man you have been curious about , and me and mitsuri believe that he has the potential and skills to becom a hashira

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