The beginning of everything

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~POV: Daughter~
   Weather was getting worse and worse as we were walking aroud the Jurassic Park. We stopped talking about how our short, two days trip changed into battle for survival,almost a week ago. I guess we just got use to this.
   We were looking for food when suddenly we heard thunder. I caught a glimpse of shadow run behind the trees. I looked around frightened but my mum was gone. She disappeared. All the bushes that were surrounding me, have parted. Behind them, was a big mayan pyramid. I was curious and scared at the same time. I wasn't sure if I should enter it. Finally my curiosity won and I decided to go inside.
~POV: Mum~
   I was really confused because one second I was in forest with my daughter and the couple moments later I found myself lying on the floor of some kind of pyramid. I must have lost consciousness. The last thing I remember was a lightning and a complete darkness.
    I heard weird shuffling noises coming from behind me. I turned around and saw a person. He was coming in my direction. The nearer he came, the more strange details I noticed. My eyes opened wider when I realised that he wasn't a person. It was a vampire! The creature was covered in blood and suddenly, before I could do anything, he fell. I had no choice. I ripped my skirt into bandages and took care of his hid wounds
   -Who are you- I asked when he started feeling better
-I'm Hrabia Dracula Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin the third- answerd vampire
During our talk it turned out he is polish so I asked a serious question:
-Would you like to be a father for my daughter and our future kids?
-I WOULD LOVE TO- he shouted and then kissed me with passion.
We run out of the mayan pyramid holding hands.
   Suddenly I noticed my daughter. She was looking for me.
-Hey honey, Come here, quickly!!
Shortly after this words, I realized that we can't leave. We didn't have plane, boat or any other type of transport. Vlad poked my arm.
-This way- he showed us the way to weird bushes. I looked at him with question marks- I got a flying dinosaur so we can get out of this hell- I was relieved.
As soon as a three of us was sitting on animal's back, it set off. We were happy that our terrifying adventure came to an end. Unfortunately while we were flying over the sea, my daughter fell.
-NOOOOOO!!!!!!- I yelled, but we couldn't do anything about it, because an earthquake has started. We weren't able to turn back so we just watched island getting smaller and smaller behind our backs.
   Together we can start a new beautiful life and build family.


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