3 | A Mad Tea Party

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{Y/n's POV}
Alex and I had reached a rather dark forest, not like the place where we met the tweedles. "I wonder which way we ought to go, Alex.." I pondered, as we looked at the hundreds of signs. They all pointed in different directions. But then we immediately stopped, as soon as we heard a male singing.

"♪ Twas brillig, and the slithy toves,
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the momeraths outgrabe ♪"

The singing voice was rather echoey. Like, it could've come from anywhere. "Now where in the world do you suppose that-" Alex questioned.

"Lose something?"

The peculiar voice sounded like it came from behind Alex and myself. "Oh!" I said, startled. We turned around, but there was nobody behind us.

"Hehe, w-we-we were- no, no, I-I-I-I mean, we uhh.. we were just wondering-" I tried to explain, but the anonymous voice made me feel just a little bit nervous. After all, most of the people Alex and I had met so far hadn't exactly been very friendly to us. "Oh, that's quite all right!" The voice chuckled.

I glanced up at a tall tree, where the voice came from. I could only see a set of gleaming, white teeth. "Oh, hmm.. one moment please." The voice told Alex and I, before a pair of bright yellow eyes appeared above the teeth. Then, the teeth made funny sounds. Almost exactly like a harmonica. "Oh! Second chorus.." The voice informed us.

"♪ Twas brillig, and the slithy toves,
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe ♪"

As the voice sang to Alex and I, we discovered it belonged to a pink and purple striped cat. "Why, you're a cat!" Alex identified, delighted. I prefer dogs myself, but had the sense not to say so aloud.

"A Cheshire cat." The cat corrected, then greeted us by lifting his ears off of his head with his tail, like a hat. Then, he began to disappear as he sung.

"♪ All mimsy were the borogoves ♪"

"Oh, wait! Please don't go." Alex told the Cheshire cat. "Very well. Third chorus-" He began.

"Oh, no.. thank you. B-But I just wanted to ask you which way we ought to go," said Alex, gesturing to himself and I. "Well, that depends on where you both want to get to." The Cheshire cat replied.

"Oh, it really doesn't matter. As long as we-" I replied. "Then it really doesn't matter which way you go!" The Cheshire cat told me, then disappeared. Alex and I glanced down to see the cat's paw prints circle around us, as he sang again.

"Oh, byyy the way.." I heard the Cheshire cat say. I glanced up at the tree behind Alex and I, to see him standing on the branch. He stood on his two hind legs, as his right elbow leaned against the tree.

"..if you'd really like to know," said the Cheshire cat, before he pointed to the left, "he went that way."

"Who did?" Alex asked, with a confused expression. "The white rabbit." The Cheshire cat answered.

"He did?" Alex and I simultaneously asked, delighted. "He did what?" The Cheshire cat asked.

"He went that way." I repeated, then pointed left. "Who did?" The Cheshire cat asked, much to my confusion. "The white rabbit!" Alex answered.

"What rabbit?" The Cheshire cat questioned. "But didn't you just say- oh, nevermind." I sighed.

"Can you stand on your head?" The Cheshire cat asked, then showed Alex and I that he could. Alex scoffed, annoyed by all that we had been through.

𝔸𝕝𝕖𝕩 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕐/𝕟 𝕚𝕟 𝕎𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now