1 | Dreams and Nightmares

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It was such a quiet night in the small town of London, England. Most people were sound asleep for the night, to recharge their batteries for a full day of work the next morning. The occasional yell could be faintly heard, as carriages rode by the rows of houses and other buildings across the almost empty and dimly lit streets. Not all the houses had lights that were all of, however. Some lights were seen switched on through the curtains, to show that some people inside were awake.

One certain light was bright - brighter than all of the other houses, because no curtains had made an effort to hide its bright and warm glow. At that very large house, Charles Kingsleigh could be seen pacing back and forth in front of the window as he spoke to his many businessmen and colleagues.

Just down the hall from Charles Kingsleigh's office was a bedroom. Inside it was two young children.

One was a blonde-haired boy, Alex Kingsleigh, who had his eyes shut as he slept. In the bed just beside Alex was a h/c-haired girl, Y/n Brooksbank.

The two children slept in the bed together as they usually did whenever they had a sleepover, which happened almost every night because the have been inseparable best friends since birth.

Alex and Y/n's parents have been best friends for years. Their mothers being such close friends has made Alex and Y/n best friends right away.

The two were born in the very same year, although Alex will always be just two months older than Y/n.

Nevertheless, it was very often that Y/n would be a welcomed guest at the Kingsleigh residence, for her parents worked a lot. A vast majority of their work involved a lot of travelling, and they couldn't take their daughter. But the Kingsleigh family were always incredibly supportive and welcoming towards the young girl, like her second family.

Alex had always been the most supportive towards his best friend, just like she would be for him in return. Whether she needed somebody to play with, to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, Alex was always there for Y/n - especially since the Brooksbank girl found out about her dear father being hospitalised due to a dreadfully severe sickness. She was terribly worried for him.

However, it wasn't her father's weakened state that was causing the h/c-haired girl to move within the duvet slightly. Alex also shuffled around a little, whilst both their faces slowly began to scrunch up.

It was the nightmare again - the same one.

The dodo bird, the white rabbit in the waistcoat, with a pocket watch, the smiling cat, the blue caterpillar and many more peculiar creatures.

Alex and Y/n first shared their thoughts on the nightmare, after one of their first sleepovers at the Kingsleigh house. The two of them even shared the matter with their parents, although they never shared full details like they did with each other: falling down a dark hole and seeing the creatures.

Both Alex and Y/n always seemed to be in each other's nightmares - it was very strange. But they wouldn't complain or regret it, since the nightmare felt much easier to stomach in one another's company. They could rely on each other.

Even so, it still never seemed.. normal - if such a thing existed. Alex would always be in Y/n's nightmare, and she would always be in Alex's.

All of a sudden, with a sharp gasp, Y/n sat right up from the bed. Her eyes were wide, and her gasp was loud. Although it had woken Alex up, so did the nightmare he also had. The blonde boy sat up in an instant, before his hand slid down from Y/n's arm to her hand. To comfort each other, the two nine year olds fingers intertwined in each other's hands.

𝔸𝕝𝕖𝕩 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕐/𝕟 𝕚𝕟 𝕎𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now