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The Capital City of Dalakos

The Planet of Krill


Y/N finished her reading early to attend her weekly worship ceremony, moving through the permanent darkness of her bedroom in Dalakos, the capital of the planet Krill. 

Like most days, she walked to her dresser and selected a simple outfit she had purchased in her first few months on the planet -- black pants and a tighter black shirt, which had a hood attachment and bell sleeves -- to attend the service. As soon as they were on, she reached into her nightstand drawer and clipped the rectangular device onto her belt loop, and activated it. Just like that, she watched as her hands went from a pale skin exterior to rough and reptilian. It never stopped amazing her how effective the small cloaking hologram was -- even after nearly a year of using it on a daily basis in order to mask herself from the Krill. 

She left her apartment in the university and walked through the market center, which was nearly empty at that time -- every Krill was either already at or on their way to the great Hall of Avis, a major religious building in the heart of Dalakos that every Krill visited on a cyclical basis. 

By the time she arrived, there were few seats available in the pews. Luckily, a student in her cultural studies class waved to her from the third row, and she quickly made her way to him.

"Good evening, Zeros," Y/N greeted, accepting the seat beside him, "How is your paper on Moclan society coming along?"

"Very well, Professor!" The young man answered, "I found some interesting passages in the Anhkana that both condemn and agree with their central ways of life, comparing and contrasting them to our own way of living."

"I look forward to reading it, I am sure it is masterfully executed," Y/N smiled. She was the only professor on Krill who taught about other societies, making her classes incredibly selective. She took on only 20 students every three months, and they were some of the brightest young adults on the planet. 

The priest entered, and quickly everyone took their seats and silenced. He began by ringing the ceremonial bell twice and declaring to everyone: "A blessed evening. Temeem Emedeen!"

"Temeem Emedeen!" The congregation replied, including Y/N -- although to everyone in the room, her name was Yeela. Professor Yeela Rafrega, author of the second best selling book on Krill, only out printed by the Anhkana itself. 

The priest opened the aforementioned holy book, and began reading a section to the congregation about the harvest season, which they would be entering very soon. Y/N listened attentively as words of joy and hope were shared to the room, and the community absorbed the passage. 

When the reading was other, the book was closed and there was a moment of silence. Then, the priest began speaking.

"In the days coming, we will see and experience firsthand the joy of Avis," He began, smiling to the congregation, "As the harvest of kahspid comes in, and the cider begins to brew, we shall usher in a new year of Krill history, fed and nourished by our very own land. In preparation for this to come, we offer a sacrifice to our mighty Avis."

After these words, two ceremonial guards brought onto stage a Krill prisoner. Y/N was relieved to see that it was not a human, or some other foreign species, which most likely meant that this man was arrested for a violent crime or religious heresy. In her mind, this was preferable to an innocent outsider. 

"This man is guilty of setting fire to his neighbor's home, while two children lay asleep inside. He claims he has done this over a financial dispute between the two homes!" The priest exclaimed, pointing accusingly at the man as the congregation began to boo the sacrificial criminal in front of them, "Now, in the spirit of these two children and their family which suffers so greatly, we offer his life to Avis!"

The congregation watched in excitement and anticipation as the man's throat was slit, and his blood was collected into a metallic bowl on the floor. The people cheered and praised Avis as it happened, and Y/N silently prayed for the souls of the two children who passed on. Her student joined her. 

"Let us now cleanse!" The priest announced, and people silenced, "Now, we shall walk down the aisle holding this blood to which we offer Avis. As we pass, we ask you send your positive prayers to our ultimate lord."

As described, two alter boys brought the bowl of blood down together, and slowly carried it down the aisle. Y/N whispered a final prayer for the two children. 

Finally, the boys brought the bowl back to the priest, who said a short prayer over it, before walking to a large, circular hole in the floor of the building where one could see the planet's soil. He poured the blood down, and recited: "Hail, Avis! Hail, victory! Temeem Emedeen!"

The congregation repeated once more, "Temeem Emedeen!" Then, they were dismissed.  

Y/N rushed herself back to her apartment, because despite the late hour, she needed to send an updated report back to Union Central about the status of her undercover mission, especially given the fact that it was coming to an end in a matter of a week or so. 

When she checked her secret Union-issued device, she was surprise to see a written communication from Admiral Halsey:

Your next assignment.

Hesitantly, she opened the message and began reading about an exploratory voyager that she would be joining -- it was called the Orville, a name she recognized from news about the recent Battle of Kaylon. Apparently, it was believed that her expertise on culture and her skills as an undercover agent could be useful on the Orville. 

Y/N wrote back a communication asking them send over her escape strategy as soon as possible.

It arrived five minutes later, and she began packing her bags. 

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