A Kiss

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When Y/N's eyes fluttered open again she was staring down a mermaid. The carving hung over her head in the captain's quarters of the Jolly Roger. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the brightly lit room and she could see a pattern of the wooden sea creatures all along the wall. She sat up in a far too comfortable bed and studied the room around her. It was all gold and white and blinding sunshine, too elaborate for her after so long in Neverland's soft moonlight. Her eyes sought out simplicity and they landed on a small figure by her bedside wrapped in a pyde cloak. Peter's head drooped to one side, his legs folded up underneath him on a little chair.
Y/N reached out to wake him, wincing out of habit at the movement, and froze. She closed her eyes tight, not yet daring to hope. A soft voice broke the silence.
"It's all right Y/N. It's stopped."
She forced her eyes open and saw Peter, awake but nervous as he gestured at her arm. She looked down and the inky black spiderweb was gone. She lifted her arm experimentally and let out a quiet laugh when it didn't hurt. The pain was gone.
Peter explained before she had time to worry how it was possible. "We gave you the water. They assured me that it had worked for their Prince Charming." He held up a vile of water still sparkling with the reflection of Neverland's stars. "And it would seem I underestimated Rumple. He's making an elixir for Charming, a permanent solution. It can save him, and he's promised that it's a gift, no strings attached. We can save you too."
Y/N's breath tightened in her throat and she hid her face in her hands.
"I'm so sorry Y/N," came Peter's worried whisper.
She threw her arms around him, both arms, wrapping him in a hug. "I told you," she whispered back, "there is always another way." She pulled back just then to look him sternly in the eyes. "Don't you dare do anything like that ever again. Do you hear me?" Then she held him tight again. "I don't care who you're trying to save."
He just nodded against her shoulder. He hid his face in the crook of her neck, his hand gently in her hair, and finally stopped holding back the tears he had been fighting for so long.

Eventually, Peter helped her from the bed. She took a moment to steady herself, preparing for stars that didn't come. The pair walked out on deck together.
Together they stepped into the blinding light. It is much brighter on the Sun's side of the clouds. Y/N closed her eyes tightly and Peter held her steady on the last step while she got her bearings.
"Y/N?" Came a voice from the other end of the deck.
She squinted through the light and saw him. "Hook?" She let out a laugh that felt like a sob and ran to him. He stood there, stunned until she collapsed into his arms. He held her tightly, cradling her head with his hand.
"I thought you were lost," he whispered.
She just shook her head and held him tighter. She pulled away just long enough to glance around the ship she'd known. "Where's the rest of the crew?"
His face fell. "They went down fighting long ago."
She buried her face in his chest and allowed herself to soak in the safety. She hadn't been held and safe in a father's arms like this in so long. She cried anew at the memory of her own father and at the loss of so many. Hook didn't let go until she did. Things finally started to feel right again.

With the help of Pan's shadow, the ragtag group made their way back to Storybrooke aboard the Jolly Roger. The flight wasn't nearly as fast as travel by portal would have been but it didn't matter. They had time.
Time to see Wendy and her brothers reunited.
Time to help the lost boys find families.
Time to help Devin find, not a mother, but a father: Geppetto.
Time for a thousand apologies.
Time to find a new place to belong.
Y/N and Peter were safe and welcome once all had been set to right. Mr. Gold did indeed create an elixir that saved Charming and Y/N both. Y/N was welcome in her old room at Grannies, and Peter was offered the one right next door, provided he helped with the breakfast crowd. As it turned out, he was particularly good with eggs.
The pair of them were surrounded by family, wrapped in the community of the little town. Neither one had a traditional home to return to but they were unofficially adopted into Henry's complicated, messy, perfect family. They had a place and people who loved them.

Y/N sat at a booth in Granny's Dinner, holding the locket Peter had given her what seemed like ages ago. She twirled the delicate chain between her fingers and studied the acorn shape.
Soon, Peter slid into the seat across from her. "You kept it."
"I did," she smiled down at her hands. "I read the story Peter." She looked up at him teasingly. "A kiss?"
"Yeah," he blushed and looked down. "Wonder where they got that one."
    Y/N reached into her pocket and placed a small golden thimble on the table. She slid it and its chain over to Peter. He held it almost reverently.
"All stories are made up of moments Peter. I get the feeling we have some pretty great moments on their way."
He slipped the kiss over his head. "How do you figure that Lost Girl?"
"Because I believe. Always have, always will."
He smiled and the mischievous glint came back into his eye. "You pinky swear?"
He chuckled, "pinkie swear."
    Peter reached out and they locked pinkies across the table, one hand promising while the other lifted her chin gently, and he kissed her like she was his entire world.

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