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I seriously forgot how I used to write the chapters so, different design ish


Fredrinn x Cecilion

The start of a relationship

Within a dark night in Aberlenn a Winged creature lurked in the shadows.

A high bounty for him was held up due to him "kidnapping" a noble as they say. Intrigued by the price a rogue appraiser—well known for his treasure seeking skills took on the challenge to catch this infamous Blood demon on the lose in that city. Lurking on top on the highest towers he sat, looking down as many unfamiliar faces flooded the city in search for him. He let out a scoff before laughing "The many years I have spent on this world, Humans still act the same. Their stupidity keeping their heads stuck to the ground while the one they seek is right above them" he stood up from his spot and leaped down to a low and dark roof, gracefully not making one single sound.

He strode on the roofs still looking at the angry mob below him, he chuckled and turned his head towards the moon—shining brightly. He sighed "Oh my carmilla... I'm sorry I couldn't save you" his voice mourned the loss of his beloved...He kept walking on the roofs before leaping down in a dark alleyway far from the mob and bounty hunters. He leaned agaisnt the cold stone wall and huffed out a sigh.

"Look at what we have here, Ain't you one fine looking gem" The voice of another man echoed in the dark alley, Cecilion tensed up and turned his head quickly to the one who spoke. He saw a figure... tall, muscular, one with slicked back slate blue hair "Ah... Looks like someone has found me" Cecilion said, his lips curling upwards a bit "And what might be your name, Good sir?" Cecilion stood up properly.

"Fredrinn Vance, You must be Cecilion—The infamous opera singer?" The muscular man replied as Cecilion nodded "Yes and I believe that you must be here for the bounty. Is that correct?". Fredrinn nodded "Then I must bid you, adieu" Cecilion bowed gracefully wanting to mock fredrinn a bit before leaping up to a roof as he looks down at fredrinn before vanishing from fredrinn's sight. "Cheeky blood demon, aren't ya" Fredrinn smirked as he watched the blood demon vanish from his sights above the roofs "I like a challenge."

A few hours have passed, the mob had died down—only a few bounty hunters were left roaming the streets, getting startled at every sudden noise thinking it was Cecilion. The blood demon watched at them from below a low balcony in an unused inn room. Cecilion looked up and smiled at the sight of the moon "Moonlight softly weeps. Gone, the one I hold so dear, Empty night remains..." Cecilion sighed he turned around to face the Rogue appraiser that was behind him, he smiled and lifted his head up towards the tall man. "Such beautiful literature... I guess we're the same" Fredrinn looked down at the blood demon with a soft smile "And, how are we the same?" Cecilion lifted an eyebrow, his arms now folded "Lost a very important someone, too" Fredrinn answered leaving cecilion quite a bit shocked. "Ah... Didn't know you've lost someone as well." Cecilion averted his gaze from Fredrinn's. Fredrinn smiled at the Blood demon "It's just how the world works." Cecilion nodded.

After a moment silence Cecilion let out a sigh "I'll let you capture me and take the bounty. I can't die anyways so if those nobles want me executed. I'll only feel pain—Like I havent gotten used to that already." Cecilion said his eyes closed for a bit before looking up to the Rouge Appraiser "No, No. Companions are more treasured than any type of currency." Fredrinn refused and leaned on to the balcony railing besides Cecilion, looking at the moon aswell "Companions?... Hmm kind've like that" Cecilion shifted his body to face the scenery again. Both of them talked about eachother's pain and life before Fredrinn had to leave, both departed from the spot. But they'd promise to keep seeing eachother again when both of them had the time.


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