Coincindence |18

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Nia Bailey the one and only

FlASHBACK"I'm sorry to inform you Nia but you have a An irregularly shaped uterus can make it difficult for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterine wall

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"I'm sorry to inform you Nia but you have a An irregularly shaped uterus can make it difficult for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterine wall. This is the reason why you been having pains during intercourse as well"

"Okay so what does this mean? Are you telling me there is no possibility for me to be mother like ever? Run the test again! you must have a made a mistake I'm still very young"

"I'm sorry having a baby naturally is very slim chance to None your uterus won't be able to carry a child full term because of its irregular shape"


"SECURITY!!!" The nurse hollered for help as the 6'2 buff security towered over me escorting  me out of the building I couldn't believe I acted that way I felt numb as I blacked out the room kept spinning my legs felt weak I could of collapsed right on that dr office floor  I can't believe I'll never be able to have a child of my own every woman wants to be able to give life and I'll never have that opportunity! God why!

She walked in the parking lot searching for her car but her heart was broken into pieces she fell onto the ground as the tears poured right next to it.

Dave was on his way home and I had to share the news with him I wasn't sure how he was going to process this information I just hoped he would better then I did...

The door opened he looked me in my eyes dropping his luggage hugging me handing me red roses I couldn't help but smile smooching my face and lips like he haven't seen me in years

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The door opened he looked me in my eyes dropping his luggage hugging me handing me red roses I couldn't help but smile smooching my face and lips like he haven't seen me in years

The door opened he looked me in my eyes dropping his luggage hugging me handing me red roses I couldn't help but smile smooching my face and lips like he haven't seen me in years

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