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I was watching mi hermosa creación mi corazón sleeping next to me she was my world sleeping with no worries in the world the way my baby girl should be sleeping I just be kissing her cheeks staying up for hours taken pictures and watching her. It's a love I never known that's daddy's little girl right there the sun was coming up and I still was admiring her... nia was right on the side of me my daughter was sleeping in the middle I liked being close to her because whenever I would put her in her crib she would cry she knows her daddy. She loved sleeping on my chest because she knew I would keep her safe.

 She loved sleeping on my chest because she knew I would keep her safe

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Mi familia

My leg was healing it was still fucked up then a mother fucker but that shit didn't keep me from taken care of my family or from having a good time. I actually wanted to go out tonight with the homies and take nia out later since we been in the house with baby girl I figured it was time to go out I even invited meech crazy ass and his wife so we shall see how that plays out this crazy mother fucker forever getting cussed out by her for doing some foul shit and I invited a few homies...nia invited her friends it should be a vibe. I woke up and my daughter was just staring at me smiling I picked her up kissing her face telling her how much I loved her I changed her diaper and made her a bottle I even made my girl breakfast I cooked her Turku bacon with eggs and grits can't forget the fruit on the side the way she like it and some honey tea I had to take care of both my ladies my girl and my daughter I really didn't mind nia been treating a nigga right and I appreciated her so this was just regular I always cooked her morning breakfast I usually do Mimosas but we ran out so tea shall do for now, my daughter started getting fussy so I started rapping to her and she would calm down and smile I just loved everything about a new born baby the way they smell they facial expressions all dat just had me weak my daughter really stole my heart this shit was crazy.
It was getting around that time go out of course she was taken forever you know how women be fashionable late in shit. She was in the bathroom putting on her lashes and curling her I went behind her grabbing her waste putting all dat ass on me she let out a moan I slapped her ass and told her to hurry dat ass I don't know why women always make a brother wait.
Baby girl was sleeping so I decided to go outside and smoke 💨 calm my mind and call my mother...

"Hey momma how you doing? Just checking on you"

"Hola hijo, estoy bien, tu padre y yo estamos viendo películas, ¿cómo está mi nieta?"

"Ella va bien llorando todo el tiempo pero ama a su papá."

"besa al bebe de mi parte como van las cosas con nia?"

"Está bien, las cosas van bien. Estoy tratando de pasar tiempo con ella. Ella realmente me ha apoyado."

"Te amo envía fotos de mi nieta la recogeremos mañana"

"también te amo mama"

It's funny because my ass be forgetting my naive language sometimes I usually speak it with my family but my mama prefer dat I be trying to stay in touch with folks since they getting old I'm trying to keep the familia close.

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