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\ Undone and gracefully tragic. \

I remember when my world was so blissful and full of color. No man or woman fell ill to the sorrows of life. Everyone wore striking smiles and vibrant clothing. Colors of reds, blues, and yellows. Purple was the favorite of the Xilan lower class, as it was more common and inexpensive, while vivid blue was for the elite richer society. I could hear their laughs and playful banter from my bedroom window in the castle. I would watch as their long skirts swept past each other on the busy streets and the playful young Xilan pups would jump on one another. All of their energy would leave an air of serenity. The males, wrapped in their tunics, would almost always be seen accompanying their wives and children or bantering for a cheaper price at the market. Everyone had a role they would play. Selling, buying, building, conversing, and playing. But that was just from my view of the city streets. There was much more to Xilan society than met the eye.

In the old world, no one cared for pain. They had no need to. Pain, whether internal or external, was easily curable. Xila, the great Goddess that is our land, answered all our prayers and left us wanting nothing. She was more than a wish-bringer though, she was a great teacher who empowered us to be loving and to feel special. She gave us all life and in return we honored her. For she was not fiction, she was real.

She was born at the very beginning when there was no world and no light. Within the deep darkness was a spark of light. Her being was transformed from a star into a planet. She was only thought, matter, and light. Everything upon this planet was created from her, as her, and lived within her. Even the clouds high above the dirt were her. She knew how to survive and survival was her only job. She created the first Xilans.

Deep at the center of her, the core of this planet was her heart. It was written that the first male Xilan crawled himself up from the core to the vast green terrain. When he got lonely, he cried for his mother to bring him a companion, someone to walk, explore, and love for all days. So, the Great Mother Goddess sent her second child - the first female Xilan to him. She too crawled up from the core and met the male. They were inseparable. Bound by Xilas' will, she forever created a phenomenon called mates. Every Xilan had one from there on out. It was and still is a sacred ordeal to meet your mate. As it brings us back to our roots and reminds us of the power of the will of Xila. Mates cannot be rejected or separated as this invisible will has bound lives together.

You understand now the importance of Xila. The connection we all have to each other through Xila herself is extraordinary. So much so that we can mind-link each other. As we tap into each other's vibrations we can send a mental message. For the royals, this is how we usually give out important callings for the entirety of the land to hear. Of course, it was rare to send such messages, before the fall of civilization. But, it could be more difficult to send mind links far distances if you aren't a royal or descendant of Elders.

The first male and female became the King and Queen of the land of Xila. Their blood was the first of Xilas' offspring which made their powers strong. They were fast lions. Faster than the wind and stronger than stone. They were royals and still, that very same bloodline has been carried down for centuries. The Tree of Xila, which sprouted after the Queen rose from the ground, is a beautiful large tree with a soft velvety trunk and delicate green leaves. It is said to be Xila's, second heart. When the rain falls from the sky and falls off its leaves, it stimulates the water. It turns the water a vivid blue and has the most powerful magic properties on the planet. The King and Queen created Elders with this magic. They were all shaped out of the planet's clay and with the help of the trees' rainwater, they successfully created a common model Xilan. They of course had some perks of their own by being created from the most magical property on the planet. They were powerful magicians. The closest to the High Royal Priestess. They made up the council.

A lot was easier back then. We all served each other in harmony and loved our land and community. However, we did have our fair share of riots. We had a civil war, years ago that nearly tore down the old world. Xilans turned against the monarchy and wanted patriotism, but that was a war that cost many lives. Since then, little groups sprouted against King but none got too big of a threat to worry about.

But, none of it mattered in the end. We all fell to our demise.

It all happened on no particular night. It was an ordinary day. Everyone went about their business and peace was strong in the air. As I fell asleep that night, I went to bed with a blissful naivete that all was well within the land. When I woke up, I was met with worried people. Everywhere I went within the castle, all anyone was talking about was the mysterious plague that was striking the villages across the globe. Xilans were dropping like flies. Left and right, dead bodies were piling up and nobody knew why. Until they realized, the first villagers to bring the sickness into the town were the hunters. Royal Knights and Elders were sent out to investigate the lands of the forests. They discovered something much more sinister than an infected animal. They found a new race of beings destroying, tampering, and savagely killing the forest and the animals that lived in it. They watched in fear as the small smiley green beings jumped on one another to get to the Xilan warriors. They were savage, even more so than the Xilans. The new aliens craved to destroy and rip through their prey. They didn't have any structure in their fighting. It was like a huge wave just crashing into the Xilans.

For the ones who did survive. They were bit. Contaminating their blood and making them outrageously contagious. Almost like the flu, it made the others sick and weak. The High Priestess believes it is because of the different radiation levels within their bodies.

We were forced out of our homes. I had to leave the castle along with my family as we found a secure home for all of us to camp. Now, we live in the Southern Region, moving from the North. The south was made up of hot and dry regions. Unlike the North's rainforest terrain, the South was covered in red dirt and bedrock. The air was dryer and more coarse. Some of us preferred to wear a mask covering to protect us from dirt and debris. Out of large bedrock, we carved out a community living area. Rooms upon rooms inside the rock. We managed to create gardens in which we could grow and store our most precious herbs and medicines. Of course, our food as well with a few vegetables and fruit. But the meat, that was always a bit tricky to come by.

That is our story and we are now.

I reflect on the past often. It makes me feel hope again. It makes me feel fiercely vengeful. I will regain the land that we lost. I am the Princess of Xila, the next in line to be the High Royal Priestess. I will not fail my land and I will not fail Xila.

Tomorrow still awaits me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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