crumbl, page 2.

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♧♤♧♤♧♤♧♤♧time skip♤♧♤♧♤♧♤♧♤♧♤

woke up to Jake being loud, and the sun shining into my eyes. I got out of bed and went over to my mirror, I seen my hair was a mess, and I had smudged eyeliner from yesterday because I was to lazy to wipe my makeup off. I got a pair of shorts and a shirt out of my closet along with my other stuff, then walking to the bathroom.

Time skip to after your shower

I got out dried off and put my outfit on

I got out dried off and put my outfit on

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I dried my hair, and decided I didn't want to do any makeup today

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I dried my hair, and decided I didn't want to do any makeup today. After I got done with everything I walked out of my room and into the kitchen to be greeted by Jake and Johnnie. Johnnie was holding his phone, Jake was up in the camera. Soon enough Jake 'ran' to a random box in the living room and spit something in it while saying "agurhh" and Johnnie yelling "JAKE DONT SPIT IT IN THE BOX" while laughing. You just face palmed and spoke up saying "I just wanted breakfast and I come into this" Jake, and Johnnie stayed silent and after a few seconds they both started laughing. After everyone calmed down and you had your breakfast, Jake asked "hey sis, Johnnie and I were going to go review some crumbl cookies, wanna come. You can taste them too?" "I mean sure, I don't have anything I'm doing today" I said shrugging my shoulders. "OK me and Johnnie are going to go get dressed" "ok I'm ready when you guys are" soon after Johnnie and Jake were ready and we headed to the car. It took around 30 minutes to get there. Jake and Johnnie got random googly eyes out and put them where their actual eyes were. Then it hit me, they were acting like the cookie monster. Soon enough we went in and Jake went over the one cookie picking thingy, where you could pick the types of cookies you want, and how many you want. "Johnnie look, five dollar for cookie" "mm not bad" "no Johnnie that's outrageous" jake replied laughing, I was just about on the floor dying of laughter. The two boys looked back at me and we all went silent. Soon enough we all started laughing like crackhead. "What cookies do we want?" Jake asked, "I don't really mind, I'm just here to try cookies and be here." I replied chuckling a bit. Jake and Johnnie picked the cookies and we headed outside because the workers told us it would be a bit before we got them. We walked back out to the car and there were a bunch of teens in the parking lot doing who knows what, probably tik toks or something. "Oh God there are teenagers" Johnnie said like he was in some kind of pain "do you not like teenagers?" Jake asked "no there fucking scary" "Yeah they are" as soon as the said that the teens started screaming "HIII YOUR JAKE WEBBER RIGHT?" I just started dying right then and there. "Yeah, hi.." he made it seem more of a question from how he said it. I was laughing my ass off while Jake and Johnnie looked horrified, I could tell they were trying to be nice but it was just so funny to watch. We moved away from the car and went to the sidewalk in front of the store and Johnnie had taken the camera. I was on my phone looking at some cool stuff to buy when I seen Jake start to drop it down or something. "What is tha- what the fuck are you doing" Johnnie said in that weird voice. Jake and Johnnie fooled around a bit more me sometimes joining but over all we were just wanting the cookies. Soon enough they called us in for our cookies and we went to a bench near by. Jake sat the cookies down and set the camera up the seating order was

Jake    Me    Johnnie

And the camera was infront of all of us. (I don't remember the cookies or the rating scores so ima just make them up, if they are right then good if they aren't uhh idk change it I guess) first up was the lucky charms cookie, Jake took a bite, then handed it to me, I handed it to Johnnie. Jake shared his opinion first. "I mean it's not bad, but I think it's kind of plain. I mean it's good but I think it should get a 3 out of 5. Like I said not bad" "I think I can agree with Jake, it is a little plain but over all good." Johnnie said agreeing with Jake's choice of rating. "What do you think Y/n?" Johnnie asked "oh I didn't know I was rating I'm just here for cookies, uhh yeah I agree with Jake and Johnnie, 3 of 5 stars" "next cookie" Jake said in the weird voice they were doing all day. It was the red velvet cookie. Jake took a bite and looked like he was questioning it a bit, I then took a smaller bite than Jake and it did taste to bad to be honest. Lastly Johnnie took a bite and seemed like he didn't like it. Johnnie was first to speak "ohh that suits ass, eww euagh" Johnnie said gagging, and spitting the cookie in the trash "eww Johnnie" jake said "that shits a 2, ewww" Johnnie said disgusted. Jake then gave his rating "meh it's not bad but certainly not my favorite, I have had a better cookie. 3 out of five again" "I liked it but like Jake said not my favorite I give it 4 of 5 stars" before we got the next cookie I don't know what was happening but Johnnie was getting slightly hit, not hard, but as a joke. "Bad cookie, bad cookie get out of here, bad cookie" jake repeated, "I take cookie" Johnnie said walking away but then walking back to try to grab a cookie "no bad cookie, go" jake said swatting Johnnie's hand away. Johnnie walked away and hid behind a bush taller than him, a few seconds later Johnnie peaked his head out and Jake started laughing, soon me joining in as Johnnie walked back. We got done with reviewing the cookies, Jake ended his live and stopped recording, we threw the box away and grabbed our stuff heading to the car. We got in the car with Johnnie in the driver's seat, Jake in the passenger and me in the back, I was fine with it because I could lay down, I sat up as Johnnie pulled up into a McDonald's drive through, Jake told Johnnie what he wanted and Johnnie turned around and looked at me "you want anything?" He asked with his left hand resting on the wheel and right elbow resting on the console of the car. I told him what I wanted and he ordered, as he pulled up to the windo I took my card out wanting to pay but Johnnie didn't let me, he paid for both Jake and I while telling us not to worry about it. (If you are vegan or something uhh, idk if they have anything vegan or not at McDonald's so I'm assuming they do, but order whatever you want.) Around after 45 minutes we made it back home, we took off our shoes and stuff sitting on the couch while Jake gave us our food. "What movie should we watch?" I asked "I don't know" jake and Johnnie replied. We put on a random movie  watching it while we ate our food, it was getting late and we were only halfway done with the movie. We had finished our food so we were just sat there on the couch. Jake was already asleep, I was slightly dozing off, and Johnnie somehow was fully awake.
Without even realizing it I started to lean on Johnnie's shoulder. I remember Johnnie lifting his arm, me thinking he was going to push me away but instead he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and continued watching the movie. That's all I remember before drifting off into a deep sleep.


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