learning guitar, page 3.

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I woke up feeling a weight around my waist so I turn around and see Johnnie there. I smiled to myself and layed there.

Y/n thoughts
I think I'm starting to like Johnnie, I mean he is super nice and caring. I know he may look scary because of his makeup and tattoos, and he may act goofy at times but what's not to like about him, his beautiful grey eyes, soft hair, calming voice. I mean he's perfect, he has been through shit and still manages to be himself without anyone tearing him down.

As I snap back into reality I feel Johnnie shuffle from beside me. "Good morning N/n" Johnnie says in a half asleep voice. "Good morning Johnnie, how did you sleep?" "I slept good, how about you" "oh I slept good, better than usual actually" I got up and decided to brush my teeth and stuff, then I went to make breakfast. I made (whatever you want) and Johnnie came up from besides me and took a bite of my food, "Johnnie!" "Mwhat" He said chewing "you know what nevermind" I said chuckling. I was thinking about what I wanted to do today and then it hit me, "hey Johnnie?" "Yea what's up?" "Do you think you could teach me how to play guitar? I mean, you're the best guitarist I know" "uhh sure when do you wanna learn because today Jake and I are going to a pizza place to try something" "and he didn't invite me, how sad. But anyways I learn anytime you are free today, no big rush or anything." I softly smiled at him. "Do you wanna come with us to that thing, I dont mind and I'm sure Jake would want someone else to join." "If it doesn't bother Jake then sure" "ok now we have to wait for Jake to wake up, unless you wanna go in there with me and wake him up" Johnnie said smirking evily. "I'll grab my speaker"


ohnnie and I slowly walked into Jake's room careful not to wake him. I mouthed to Johnnie "3....2.....1" then boom "TEARS DONT FALL THEY CRASH AROUND ME" The speaker blasted while me and Johnnie were childishly dancing sound the room. "What the..." jake said jolting awake then slamming his head back into his pillow, graining ad he does so. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Jake said sounding tired and annoyed of what we were doing. "You need to wake upp we have stuff to do todayy" I said getting on his bed starting to jump up and down. "Aughhhh" Jake said as he pushed me off his bed "AhhH" I screamed as I fell with a thud, I stuck a thumbs up in the air saying "I'm good" jake eventually got up while Johnnie and I headed into the living room waiting on him to get ready. Johnnie and I were just mindlessly scrolling on Twitter showing each other things occasionally when Jake walked out and said we would stop at a breakfast place or somewhere for lunch. We got in Jake's car, Johnnie in the passenger seat and me in the back with Jake driving of course. We got to the place and ate breakfast then got back into the car and started driving. "So Jake, Johnnie never really told me the place we were headed." I asked wanting to break the silence "oh were going to the worst all you can eat buffet today" "awww, do I have to get food?" I asked not liking how worded things. "If Johnnie and I are going to get stuff, then you should too. We don't want you to be the odd one out" "true" I said hesitantly. Soon enough we got to the mall that the buffet was in. Jake started the stream and the recording with the YouTube video as well. We got into the actual restaurant and it didn't look like anyone was there. I mean same with the mall, it looked like a zombie apocalypse came from what Johnnie and Jake explained. "Eww that has eyes dude" Johnnie said disgustedly looking at the shimp. We all got a decent amount of stuff, Jake got 2 plates same with Johnnie and I got 1 plate because we all planned to share what we got to give the buffet the correct review. (Honestly I really don't wanna write the whole stream/video because it is 3:30 am here. I'm tired and I want to go to bed.) After we got done trying everything and rating it we were about to give our final review. "I give it a 3, not bad" jake said sounding pleased with his answer "really, I give it a 4" Johnnie said sounding surprised with Jake's answer, "I give it a 4 also. Not bad but stuff was cold." I said agreeing with Johnnie. We left the buffet with Jake paying the bill, as we were walking Jake started skipping like a 5 year old boy excited to go into a candy shop for the first time. Johnnie and I stayed walking while laughing at Jake. While we were laughing I felt Johnnie's hand slightly brush against mine

it might be a coincidence right, I mean doesn't that happen to alot of people. Calm down, you don't even know if you like him!

I was snapped out of my trance by Johnnie snapping in my face. "Hey y/n you okay, you were zoning out for a few minutes?" "Huh, oh yeah I'm perfectly fine just thinking" I warmly smiled back. "Ok." Jonnnie simply replied getting into the car, I jumped into the car as well and we headed home. I was fairly tired from the walking around today so I decided to take a quick nap... yeah the nap ended up being the whole car ride, and Johnnie carrying me into my room. A few minutes later I wake up to see my phone plugged up and I'm in my room not the car. I rub my eyes to push the tiredness away, soon enough I stand up and stretch popping a few bones as I do so. I walk out into the hallway and see Johnnie on the couch along with Scuff. "Morning sleepy head" Johnnie smiles greeting me warmly, "morning" I replied with a still tired voice. "Where's Jake?" I ask not seeing him in the living room. "He's in his room editing probably" Scuff replies back, I just nod my head while taking a sip of my monster. "Hey Johnnie here in a few minutes do you think you could teach me a little bit of guitar?" "Huh- oh yeah sure" he said as he was focused on something. "Whatcha looking at, you seem stressed" I told Johnnie "I can't get this damn thing right. I'm trying to take a screen shot of this thing on Twitter and it's not working" He said leaning back into the couch having his hands on his face. "Aww, I can try to help" I suggested "ok" He said back sounding frustrated. "Anddd.. there, I screenshotted it. Anything else you need screenshotted while I'm here?" "No I don't think so" He said sounding relieved. After that he got off the couch, went over to my monster taking a gulp of it. "Johnnie, that was minee" I complained getting up walking over to Johnnie. Just then when I was standing infront of Johnnie he took another large gulp. "Johnnieeeee, we have plenty you can go get one and not steal mine" I said reaching up to get the monster out of Johnnie's hands. "I only want a sip, and I don't wanna get my own...sharing is caring you know and you're being a bully right now" He said pouting and crossing his arms. "Ughhh here" I said groaning knowing I couldn't resist Johnnie when he gave the puppy eyes. "Yayyyy" he said running around the kitchen like a 2 year old, while I just laughed to myself. Johnnie stopped after around 3 to 4 minutes and asked "do you want to learn guitar right now, I have to stream tonight and I might use it on stream, that is unless you wanna stream with me?" "Oh I don't mind streaming, I'm going to stay up layer tonight anyways. Also sure just let me go grab a jacket it's cold and then I'll be in your room alright?" "Alright." After I grabbed my jacket and went to get my monster when I realized Johnnie still had it, I went into his room and seen him on his bed doing something on his phone. I walked in and sat on his bed laying across his legs saying "helloooo" "hello, you ready to learn?" "Sure am, I'm very excited" "Good." He said grabbing his guitar from beside him "were gon a do it chord by chord" "ok" a few minutes pass and I wasn't doing too good. "Wait I have a idea to help" Johnnie said "oh ok." Me thinking that he was just going to grab another guitar from the other side of the room but instead picking me up and sitting me on his lap, wrapping his arms around mine, putting his hand onto mine helping me situate them correctly. (I'm assuming Johnnie is around 5'9 to 5'10 and you in this story being like 5'0 to 5'1 not that being my actual height😅 could never be me like I said change your height idc, be yourself my emk queens/kings) I could tell I was blushing so hard. I'm pretty sure I could be a full ass microwave from how red my face was, anyways Johnnie was helping me step by step, on how to place your fingers and hands into the right movement when out of nowhere my brain decided to make me yawn. "Are you tired, we can practice more sometime if you want to go to sleep" Johnnie said calmly, "what time even is it?" I asked slightly rubbing my eyes. Johnnie picked his phone up and read out "12:15" (only because Johnnie loves to fuck up our sleep schedules 🫶🏼) "oh wow it took us tha t long to get 4 chords?" I said genuinely suprised, "yeah, it takes practice, but you did good. Also we have to stream, what do you want to do on stream?" Johnnie said smiling. After a few minutes he started the stream answering questions then got into YouTube. He started watching this dating thingy, it was really confusing. Soon enough I started dozing off and eventually closed my eyes and put my head on Johnnie's shoulder. And that's all I remember before falling asleep.

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