chapter 135 making new friends

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Momo:back to Eri how do you think she's doing?

Tsuyu:well you saw the messes from the therapist and Chloe apart from running away on her first session i think it's a good first step Kero

Izuku;i just hope things go fine for her in school tomorrow


*We see Eri and her friends waiting at the outside of the door to be told to walk inside*

Minoka:well this is the day, what a pain I was enjoying our vacation from this hell

Marquis:everyone could tell when Chloe opened the door to your room she almost had a heart attack don't you ever clean?

Minoka:it wasn't that bad

Marquis:there was a pizza slice on the ceiling

Eri: please tell me she didn't ate it....

Minoka:it was still good!

Kotsuzui: bitch that was a week old!

Minoka:what doesn't kill you make you stronger ergo that week old pizza made me stronger!

*Minoka said with a stupid Grin that showed Rumi Usagiyama was her mother. While in the background Eri was a little green as she made out with minoka a few days ago*

Ikari: alright you can come in Now

Eri; let's do this...and minoka you aren't kissing me until you drown your mouth in mouthwash

*Minoka just gave her a goofy grin as Eri opened the door and walked inside with her friends following her, they all stood in front of the board with the teacher the 4 new students did a double take looking at the teacher that looked like a 19 year old Akira Inugami*

Ikari:go on and present yourselves to the class your table is number C-4

Eri:hello I'm Eri midorozu my quirk is rewind it allows me....

Ikari:kid I meant your name not life story, I don't know how things work in the land of the rising sun but here you don't have to tell us your powers

Eri;o..oh sorry um I guess that's everything my name is Eri midorozu hello I hope we can get along

*Eri said blushing in embarrassment as minoka walked next to her*

Minoka:yo minoka usagiyama

Marquis:marquis dendy

Kotsuzui: kotsuzui nusutto

Ikari:grand now si...

*The door slammed opened revealing two sweaty panting students*

Naruto:i...i...i told you my shortcut would work!

Haku:beloved shut the fuck up....

Ikari:Haku and Naruto on time for once impressive go sit down

*Naruto grinned as Haku pulled him by his scarf to there table that was right next to eri's table*

Ikari:Eri and the rest do your seat so we can start the class, we'll be starting with math today

*Ikari smirked at the resounding groans from the class*


*We see the group in the cafeteria eating lunch, minoka nudged eri's shoulder*

Minoka:so not bad right? Finally we can have a normal highschool

Eri:yeah it's fine I guess, just wish we didn't have to move all the way to another country just to get this

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