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Yeonjun had already went home as I was stuck in alone in the empty house, me and my thoughts alone to dagger.

What bothered me most was not being able to contact Jeong, a plan had popped into my head.

Quickly taking my phone out as I started to text Danielle my plan. Was it a good one? No, but it would probably fix the tension between me and Jeong.

Go to Orangeade cafe and bring Jeong, no time to explain right now just go!
Oh shit, okay!


All I was wearing were sweats and a basic white crop top, I didn't care how I looked this was my one and only chance to fix something I never even broke in the first place.

Running out of my room I quickly put my shoes on and ran out of my apartment.

If this plan fails I don't know what else to even do, but, if it actually doesn't I might just go to his house and seemingly talk about the incident again..enough thoughts!

Still never realized how close I was to Orangeade, then again I saw Jeong and Danielle both walking into the cafe, instantly I ran in their direction pushing myself into the building causing me to almost trip on my feet.

"Jeong!" I shouted before he sat in a seat, he looked at me with widened eyes.

"Can we talk?"


"Yumi, honestly I don't know what to even say right now. I should have believed you from the start really, it's all my fault for believing that jackass."

"No Jeong, it's okay, things like this are hard to believe coming from a family member."

A sigh escaped my mouth as I placed my hand onto his, his aura felt really strong and upsetting at the same time.

I knew he wasn't doing to well.

"Why am I even here?" Danielle spoke, "In case Jeong decided to attack me for some reason..??" I shrugged with an awkward smile.

"Why would I-" Jeong tried to speak, "Woww okay I see how it is." Danielle laughed while crossing her arms.

I let go of Jeong's hand and looked at him.

"Are you okay? Like really, how's everything at home, Jeong?" I began.

"Well, Seo has been a dick to me lately which has gotten to the point he thinks he's 'over powered' me but besides that, I'm glad we're friends again." Jeong smiled.

"Me too."

"ME THREE! Like finally with all this drama, I'm glad we're back to our little trio." Danielle spoke while getting up to give us a group hug.

"Oh! Also...I now have a boyfriend, surprise!" I laughed with a red face.

"WHATTT?!" Danielle and Jeong both shouted, "Yeah! His name is Yeonjun."

"Since when?" Jeong questioned.

"Like last night." I awkwardly smile while rubbing my head.

Had I really forgot to inform Danielle about this? I mean, could I blame myself for forgetting?


"NOT SHY NOT ME! ITZYY!!" Jeong sang while dancing on the table.

I swear he was about to fall off, there were quite a few people at the karaoke bar but at least there was individual booths for people to sing in.

Hoping it's soundproof.

"Okay who's next?"

"Me!" I replied raising my hand, grabbing the microphone I scrolled for any songs that caught my eye.

Wasn't really much songs that I wanted to do but I chose randomly at this point.

The more I scrolled I was in the 'Bruno Mars' section now, Grenade caught my eye.

"Let's fucking rock this night guys!" I shout while we all took shots of Soju at the same time while the music started.

"WOO!" Jeong clapped, "FUCK IT UP YUMI!!" Danielle laughed.

"EASY COME EASY GO THATS JUST HOW YOU LIVE OH TAKE TAKE TAKE IT ALL BUT YOU NEVER GIVE!" I loudly sang to the point my lungs felt like stopping for a moment.

Which kept going on and on until the song had ended, out of legitimate breath.

"Woww! More shots, Go!" Danielle clapped while we took more shots.

"God I haven't had a drink in a while." Jeong hiccuped, "Ohh..chug the bottle!" I suggested.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" Me and Danielle shouted as Jeong grabbed another bottle of Soju and drank it straight.


"We gotta do this more often yah?" I smile.

"Definitely." Danielle replied, all Jeong did was give a thumbs up in response.

"Welp, Danielle it's your turn to sing, hop up!" I chuckled while giving her the microphone.

She chose to sing a song by Micheal Jackson; Heartbreaker. Danielle was a huge fan of Micheal Jackson ever since she was a child so I knew she was gonna kill this song.

"Deceitful eyes, she's got those come get me thighs
She only knows how low that she can go
She speaks the lines that can control my mind
Wherever she goes I know my eyes follow
She blew a kiss, I swear that it was meant
Only for me, then spoke with her body
Her only goal is just to take control
And I can't believe that I can't tell her no." Danielle sang her whole heart out.

Throughout this whole song I was amazed on how enchanting her singing was, Jeong was to drunk to barley realize it so I recorded her.

Such talent she had and I never knew it!

I kept drinking along the way of her singing which made me feel a bit dizzy or just tipsy at the most of it.

"Yeonjun..I'm boreddd." I whined while laying down on my bed while all Yeonjun did was check himself out in my mirror.

"Yeonjun!" I shouted which made him jump a bit, "Whatuh?"

"Can we go to your house instead? I wanna see the others."

"Alright alright come on." Yeonjun laughed while he grabbed my hand to help me up.

A hiccup escape my mouth before I tried to cover my lips, "Yah..why'd you drink so much?" Yeonjun complained as we walked out of my room.

"I wanted to! Plus it's only been a few weeks since my last drink."

"Whatever." Yeonjun scoffed.

we're faded [Choi Yeonjun]Where stories live. Discover now