Chapter III / The Race

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It was 5:15am. Max had just woken up, he grabbed the note, put on his socks and shoes, and went to Charles' hotel. It was still quite dark out and Max didn't have a flashlight or any source of light but he managed to get to Charles' hotel.

PerfectCo, number 33.

Max went up to the front desk and asked where there room was. It was kind of weird that a 12 year old is asking to go to a hotel room on his own, but the front desk lady let him through- only because she knew Max was Jos' son.

Is he even awake yet? Should i knock? Max thought to himself. He peeked through the little slit for letters to get through.

There he was. Charles. He was sitting in front of the TV, awake. It looked like he was home alone, Max has to be quick with this before anyone sees him. He started thinking but he got distracted by how handsome Charles looked just sitting there. Charles was watching a kids TV show, lucky, Max was never allowed.

Charles started laughing. Max could only watch. He's laughing. How can he sit there and laugh and be so beautiful? Max thought to himself.

Change of plans, Max will knock and hand deliver the note.

Knock knock

Now max was peeking from the slits where the door met the wall. He was Charles get up from the couch. Then Charles opened the door, surprised to see Max.

"Hallo." Max said, with his voice shaking a little. "Hi! I was not expecting you here" Charles replied while giggling a little bit. His giggles are so cute Max thought.

Max started looking at the Monegasque's green eyes. He got lost. They were so beautiful. Charles stared back, looking at the Dutchman's blue eyes. He got lost as well.

While this was happening, Charles noticed the bandages on Max's arms, wrists, and hands. He let out a single tear, trying to not make it too obvious.

Max noticed this and decided to break the moment, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" Max said, but before he could finish his sentence, Charles cut him off, "No it's okay, it was an adorable moment haha"

Adorable? What does he mean 'adorable'?
5:30am. Shit, I'm going to be late for pre race training. Max panicked.

"Oh um, heres my reply note for you, sorry I'm in a rush right now." Max said with his voice still shaking. He handed the note to Charles, and tried to just walk away.

"Wait," Charles said, while pulling max back with grabbing onto his collard shirt, Charles pulled him closer. And closer. Now they were facing each other, just inches apart.

"Have you ever felt this, Max?" Charles said, right after that he kissed Max- on the lips. Max was shocked to say the least, but he kissed back. The kiss lasted 3 seconds but for Max and Charles it was like they were heaven.

"That's what loves feels like?" Max asked, Charles nodded in respond. "Thank you, Charlie. I uh- love you." Max said, his voice was still shaking heavily. "I love you more." Charles replied.

Then Max was gone. He went back to his hotel. Luckily, his dad wasn't awake yet, he got ready for the day and woke up his dad for training.

Meanwhile, Charles was still alone in his hotel room, waiting for his trainer to come back from a meeting.

Charles decided to open the note.
"Hallo there Charles, this is Max. Max Verstappen.

i saw your letter and wanted to say thank you for worrying about me. im fine now!

and to answer your question, that is personal matter sorry.

if you're worried that its because of you, its not, dont worry. it has to do with my dad being way too strict- if that's any info for you.

happy to see you on the track today, you're gonna kill it!

-your new friend,
Max Emilian Verstappen."

So he is getting abused- Fuck. Charles thought as he was reading the note. There wasn't much he could do. His team was not close with Max's team- no teams were. Because of that fucking asshole.


Every racer got ready. About an hour before lights out. Charles tested his engine before, and Max was cleaning his car making sure its squeaky clean.

While Charles was in his car, he looked at Max. A new bandage- on his finger. Fucking hell, what does his dad do to him? Charles thought angrily.

Apparently, Jos had broken Max's finger during training because Max misbehaved a little. It might cost him the win.

Meanwhile when Max was cleaning his car, he couldn't think about anything but 2 moments with charles. The eye contact and the kiss. I'm not gay- right? Am I? My dad's going to kill me if he finds out. Max thought to himself, sweating a little in the process.

But I said "I love you" first- So I am gay?I also called him Charlie... But he said "I love you more" so he's gay as well right? Wait he said "I love you More". He loves me m-

Max couldn't get these thoughts out. Afraid that it'll affect his performance. He zoned out. Not being able to think about anything.

But then his dad came and interrupted. "Hé Max!! Val niet zo uit, het zal je prestaties beïnvloeden." (Hey Max!! Dont zone out like that, its going to affect your performance.) There he goes again with the performance talk Max thought to himself while rolling his eyes. "Ja papa, het spijt me." (Yes dad, I'm sorry) Max said with annoyance in his voice.

"Waarom doe je raar vandaag?" (Why are you acting weird today?) Jos asked. He knew something was up. Max stayed silent, shaking his head. Jos let it slide, but he wouldn't if it affected Max's race performance.


The race was decent but almost a disaster for Max. Charles was leading for most of the laps, but Charles knew that Max would be in trouble if Max didn't win. So Charles slowed down a lot at a turn, letting Max take the lead at the last lap.

Max knew Charles did that on purpose, He really shouldn't have, isn't he going to get in trouble? Max thought, now he feels really bad for Charles.

Max stood on the podium with barely a smile on his face. On the other hand Charles was celebrating like a wild animal- it was only his 2nd time on a race podium. Max saw what looked like Charles' family, cheering for Charles. They were very happy. Is he not in trouble? How does that work.. Max thought to himself, luckily Charles won't be in trouble.

Charles looked at Max, and winked. Max knew for sure now. The gut wrenching feeling of taking a win from Charles is still taking him down though.

All of them got interviewed. After Max goes Charles, and so on. Then Charles got asked, "Why did you slow down a lot in that last lap? It cost you the win!", Charles was silent at first and then answered, "Well I don't know, I wasn't thinking straight haha, it was my first time leading." Charles knows damn well he was thinking straight- he just needed an excuse. He knew that it'll seem weird if he told them the truth.

Max saw Charles from afar. He heard the question, he heard the answer. He knew the answer wasn't the truth.

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