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"A journey's worth is not realized at first; it always shows at the end"

(Why did you bring me here, Shin?..)

The night breeze that circled her felt familiar somewhere in her heart. It was as if she felt this feeling a long time ago, but how was that possible? This was her first time coming to Valoran City.

Why do I feel like I've been here before?

Confused, she went back inside her room only to see a different reflection when she faced the mirror, standing in front of her. There was no one else around but Anne yet how come she saw another silhouette of someone else?

As Anne moved closer to the mirror, so did the figure, when she lifted her left arm, so did the reflection, and when the luminous moonlight entered her room, Anne's eyes grew wide that the reflection was none other than Shin, and this time in her entire visible physique; a slim and porcelain body.

How beautiful... Anne thought. Still amazed by a beauty she has never seen before.

Questions started bombarding her mind about Shin's new way of arrival but she instantly disappeared from her sight, leaving Anne perplexed.No matter the number of times she called out for her, Shin left as fast as she appeared. Exhausted, she jumped straight to bed and dozed off instantly. Now this time, a relaxing dream shifted from her usual odd ones.

As the sun pierced her eyes, she stared deeply at her room ceiling, still unable to get Shin out of her head. She wore a silky dress as white as pearls that had no definite length, just enough to cover the space of her dream, long black horns that seems connected to her hair, and a little golden diadem sitting between her horns. It was like she was dressing up as a royal. But these thoughts didn't last as Anne noticed the time. She got off the bed, got ready, and went downstairs. Today, she'll be exploring the city and maybe stopping by her new school.

"How are you feeling now, Miss?" A maid asked, with her hands full on the kitchen stove, making pancakes for her lady.

"I feel a bit better I guess..and you don't have to do that, Noelle"

"I know you don't want to, Miss but just for today, let us help you out. Adjusting to a new place can be overwhelming and the Master instructed us to make sure you have someone to rely on," Noelle smiled, still busy perfecting her dish to present to Anne. She likes pancakes paired with mango.

As Anne got a first bite, she squealed with delight. She took another fork from the kitchen counter and handed it to Noelle, pleading with her to join her. Winning over her heart, Noelle dined with Anne and even shared some with the others. But as Noelle looked closely into Anne's frowning eyes, she could tell something was bothering her.

"Maybe a change of scenery will shift your mood, Miss"

"Was I that noticeable?" Anne asked,  with her head low and both arms stopped any movements.

Noelle placed her shoulder onto her and Anne faced her with her head up.

"That is the face I wanted to see," Noelle added, with no trace of sarcasm.

"Thank you, Noelle"

"Also, I came across a topic about a tour guide guiding a group of tourists near a cat café just three blocks away from here today. You can join them if you like, I heard they're going to famous areas of this part of the city," Noelle said, prepping Anne's black mini bag with possible items she will need for the tour. More importantly water.

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